据来自 https://python.plainenglish.io/python-3-11-to-be-twice-as-fast-as-predecessors-156768bc3d4 的消息
The upcoming version of Python is set to be twice as fast as the previous versions. Python creator Guido Van Rossum stated at the last Python Language Summit that when version 3.11 is published in October 2022, he plans to quadruple Python’s speed. His overall goal over the next four years is to boost Python’s speed by a factor of five.
即将推出的 Python 版本的速度将是之前版本的两倍。 Python 的创造者 Guido Van Rossum 在上一次 Python 语言峰会上表示,当 3.11 版在 2022 年 10 月发布时,他计划将 Python 的速度提高四倍。他未来四年的总体目标是将 Python 的速度提高五倍。