【沁恒RISC-V内核 CH582】ADC与通用控制器的应用
* @file z_trnasfer_function.h
* @author Javnson
* @email javnson@zju.edu.cn
* @date 2022.03.27(Create:2022.03.25)
* @version 1.0.0:0000
* @licence Apache License, Version 2.0
* @brief *
* Change history :
* <Date> | <version> | <author> | <Description> |
* 2022.03.25 | 1.0.0:0000 | Javnson | Create File |
* 2022.03.27 | 1.0.1:0002 | Javnson | Complete basic z function |
* 2022.03.28 | 1.0.2:0003 | Javnson | init_z_function_struct_mm and deinit_z_function_struct_mm |
/* Application Notes
* Application Note: 3/27/2022
* when you use BUFFER_POINTER_ENDLESS mode to ask the `fn_clac` routine to move pointer. you must pay
* attention to the origin for the array. The first `cm_num_order` items of `p_input_buffer` are occupied
* due to calculation needs.so as `cm_den_order` items of `p_output_buffer`.
* You can also give the Z transfer function the initial condition after init routine, by set the
* `z_function::p_input_buffer` and `z_function::p_output_buffer`.
* Application Note: 3/28/2022
* Please notice that the order of the denominator and numerator must be carefully confirm!
* If you don't set the correct coefficient or order, the result may be divergent or shaking.
/* Demo routine
* Demo 1 Trinomial mean filter
* transfer function: $T(z)=\frac{1+z^{-1}+z^{-2}}{3}$
discrete_control_system dcs;
z_function z1;
dcs.m_discrete_time = 0.001; // 10 kHz
dcs.m_zero = 0.0f;
z1.cm_num_order = 2;
z1.cm_den_order = 0;
float num[3] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
float den[1] = { 3.0f };
z1.cm_num_param = num;
z1.cm_den_param = den;
float* input_array = new float[2 << 13];
float* output_array = new float[2 << 13];
z1.p_input_buffer = input_array;
z1.p_output_buffer = output_array;
z1.m_buffer_state = z1.BUFFER_POINTER_ENDLESS;
init_z_function_struct(&z1, &dcs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
z1.m_input = i;
} // set break point here.
* You may notice the mean filter's result at the break point.
#include <discrete_control_system.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief This object implements a physically realizable z-domain function.
* You may call the fn_calc to calculate the result for the Z domain.
* In general you have to design the Z function firstly, and simplify the equation to the following basic form.
H(z) &= \frac{R(z)}{X(z)}=\frac{a_0+\Sigma_{p=1}^{m}{a_pz^{-p}}}{1+\Sigma_{q=1}^n{b_qz^{-q}}} \\
r_n &= a_0x_n+\Sigma_{p=1}^{m}{a_px_{n-p}}-\Sigma_{q=1}^n{b_qr_{n-q}}
* You may read it by LaTex compiler, if necessary.
* Than, based on the equation, the user must pass two vectors as the numerator
* and the denominator.
* the entity provide a calculate function, named @fn_calc user may call the function, at the right time.
typedef struct _entity_z_transfer_function
* @brief This function specify the calculate function.
* You may provide the input param and call the function to get the result.
* @param obj: input the Z-domain function object.
* @retval None
void(*fn_calc)(struct _entity_z_transfer_function* obj);
dcs_param_t m_input;
dcs_param_t m_output;
dcs_difference_t cm_num_order; // const member numerator order, refer to p, this value may be set to 0, if none history information are needed.
dcs_difference_t cm_den_order; // const member denominator order, refer to q, this value may be set to 0, if none history information are needed.
// these params are stored in decreasing order
dcs_param_t* cm_num_param; // const member numerator
// The pointer point to an array that contain more than `cm_num_order + 1` items, as the numerator param.
// In general, the first param should be 1, in order to match the equation.
dcs_param_t* cm_den_param; // const member denominator
// The pointer point to an array that contain more than `cm_den_order + 1` items.
dcs_param_t* p_input_buffer; // The buffer must point to an array that contain more than `cm_num_order` items,
// and only cm_num_order element will be used.
dcs_param_t* p_output_buffer; // The buffer must point to an array that contain more than `cm_den_order` items,
// and only cm_den_order element will be used.
// An example for 3-order system fixed system mode or endless system mode.
// index : [-1] [0] [1] [2]
// x_(-4) x_(-3) x_(-2) x_(-1)
// r_(-4) r_(-3) r_(-2) r_(-1)
// warning: the run function won't check the boundary conditions. User must ensure the boundary condition is reasonable.
// An example for 3-order system circle mode. Every oldest data will be replaced by the newest data.
// index : [0] [1] [2] [3]
// 1st x_(-4) x_(-3) x_(-2) x_(-1)
// r_(-4) r_(-3) r_(-2) r_(-1)
// index : [0] [1] [2] [3]
// 2nd x_(0) x_(-3) x_(-2) x_(-1)
// r_(0) r_(-3) r_(-2) r_(-1)
// index : [0] [1] [2] [3]
// 3rd x_(0) x_(1) x_(-2) x_(-1)
// r_(0) r_(1) r_(-2) r_(-1)
enum {
BUFFER_POINTER_FIXED = 1, // The buffer label is fixed, buffer[0] is the last item(previous item for output),
// buffer[1] is the previous item for buffer[0].
// That is, a circular copy is executed every time calculation (@fn_calc) is completed.
BUFFER_POINTER_CIRCLE, // The calculation results will be stored in the buffer in a circular manner.
// The last input param will replace the earliest stored data.
// And the function will automatically match the label and index.
BUFFER_POINTER_ENDLESS // The calculation result will stored in an endless array.
// The pointer will move to next item every time calculation is completed,
// and user must ensure the buffer has enough length, or move the pointer address manually.
} m_buffer_state;
dcs_difference_t p_cir_pos; // This variable record the position of the oldest item.
struct _entity_discrete_control_system *m_dcs;
}z_function, * pz_function;
* @brief init the z transfer function entity struct.
* @param obj: the struct to be init.
* dcs: the discrete control system the z_function module based on.
* @retval None
* @note The function mast be call after all pointer was set.
void init_z_function_struct(struct _entity_z_transfer_function* obj, struct _entity_discrete_control_system* dcs);
* @brief init z transfer function entity struct and alloc memory automatically.
* @param obj: the struct to be init.
* dcs: the discrete control system the z_function module based on.
* @retval None
* @note This function will call @malloc. you must ensure the function is enable in your production environment.
* Otherwise, you have no choice to use @init_z_function_struct and alloc memory manually.
* This function will only allocate memory for p_input_buffer and p_output_buffer in minimum size.
* @warning The time you use this function to construct a z_function entity. You need to call
void init_z_function_struct_mm(struct _entity_z_transfer_function* obj, struct _entity_discrete_control_system* dcs);
* @brief init z transfer function entity struct and alloc memory automatically.
* @param obj: the struct to be init.
* dcs: the discrete control system the z_function module based on.
* @retval None
* @note This function will call @malloc. you must ensure the function is enable in your production environment.
* Otherwise, you have no choice to use @init_z_function_struct and alloc memory manually.
* This function will only allocate memory for p_input_buffer and p_output_buffer in minimum size.
* @warning The time you use this function to construct a z_function entity. You need to call
void deinit_z_function_struct_mm(struct _entity_z_transfer_function* obj);
* @brief This function is default function for the z transfer.
* @param obj: the z_transfer_function object.
* @retval None
void _z_func_calc_default(struct _entity_z_transfer_function* obj);
#ifdef __cplusplus
* @file z_trnasfer_function.c
* @author Javnson
* @email javnson@zju.edu.cn
* @date 2022.03.27(Create:2022.03.26)
* @version 1.0.0:0000
* @licence Apache License, Version 2.0
* @brief
* Change history :
* <Date> | <version> | <author> | <Description> |
* 2022.03.26 | 1.0.0:0000 | Javnson | Create File |
* 2022.03.27 | 1.0.1:0002 | Javnson | Complete basic z function |
#include <discrete_control_system.h>
#include <z_transfer_function.h>
#include <memory.h>
void _z_func_calc_default(pz_function obj)
cs_assert_error(obj->cm_num_param, "num_param must be a array and not point to nullptr");
cs_assert_error(obj->cm_den_param, "den_param must be a array and not point to nullptr");
cs_assert_error(obj->cm_den_param[0] != (dcs_param_t)0, "den_param[0] must be an nonzero value.");
dcs_param_t r_n = obj->cm_num_param[0] * obj->m_input;
// this switch ensure the judgment will not happen usually.
switch (obj->m_buffer_state)
for (dcs_difference_t i = 1; i <= obj->cm_num_order; ++i)
r_n += *(obj->cm_num_param + i) * (*(obj->p_input_buffer + obj->cm_num_order - i));
for (dcs_difference_t i = 1; i <= obj->cm_den_order; ++i)
r_n -= *(obj->cm_den_param + i) * (*(obj->p_output_buffer + obj->cm_den_order - i));
// get the result.
obj->m_output = r_n / obj->cm_den_param[0];
// memory move.
for (dcs_difference_t i = 1; i < obj->cm_num_order; ++i)
obj->p_input_buffer[i - 1] = obj->p_input_buffer;
if (obj->cm_num_order) obj->p_input_buffer[obj->cm_num_order - 1] = obj->m_input;
for (dcs_difference_t i = 1; i < obj->cm_den_order; ++i)
obj->p_output_buffer[i - 1] = obj->p_output_buffer;
if (obj->cm_den_order) obj->p_output_buffer[obj->cm_den_order - 1] = obj->m_output;
for (dcs_difference_t i = 1; i <= obj->cm_num_order; ++i)
r_n += *(obj->cm_num_param + i) * (*(obj->p_input_buffer + (obj->cm_num_order - i + obj->p_cir_pos) % obj->cm_num_order));
for (dcs_difference_t i = 1; i <= obj->cm_den_order; ++i)
r_n -= *(obj->cm_den_param + i) * (*(obj->p_output_buffer + (obj->cm_den_order - i + obj->p_cir_pos) % obj->cm_den_order));
// get the result.
obj->m_output = r_n / obj->cm_den_param[0];
// replace the oldest data
if (obj->cm_num_order) obj->p_input_buffer[obj->p_cir_pos % obj->cm_num_order] = obj->m_input;
if (obj->cm_den_order) obj->p_output_buffer[obj->p_cir_pos % obj->cm_den_order] = obj->m_output;
// Keep good circulation
if (++obj->p_cir_pos == obj->cm_den_order * obj->cm_num_order)
obj->p_cir_pos = 0;
for (dcs_difference_t i = 1; i <= obj->cm_num_order; ++i)
r_n += *(obj->cm_num_param + i) * (*(obj->p_input_buffer + obj->cm_num_order - i));
for (dcs_difference_t i = 1; i <= obj->cm_den_order; ++i)
r_n -= *(obj->cm_den_param + i) * (*(obj->p_output_buffer + obj->cm_den_order - i));
// get the result.
obj->m_output = r_n / obj->cm_den_param[0];
// Move to net position.
*(++obj->p_input_buffer + obj->cm_num_order - 1) = obj->m_input;
*(++obj->p_output_buffer + obj->cm_den_order - 1) = obj->m_output;
cs_assert_error(0, "Unknown buffer style.");
void init_z_function_struct(struct _entity_z_transfer_function* obj, struct _entity_discrete_control_system* dcs)
cs_assert_error(obj, "You must pass an obj pointer to the z_function struct.\n");
cs_assert_error(obj->cm_den_param, "You must specify the denominator param firstly.\n");
cs_assert_error(obj->cm_num_param, "You must specify the numerator param firstly.\n");
cs_assert_error(obj->cm_num_order == 0 || obj->p_input_buffer, "You must specify the input buffer.\n");
cs_assert_error(obj->cm_den_order == 0 || obj->p_output_buffer, "You must specifu the output buffer.\n");
cs_assert_error(dcs, "The z_function module is based on discrete control system, you must define and pass a dcs object,\n");
obj->m_dcs = dcs;
for (dcs_difference_t i = 0; i < obj->cm_num_order; ++i)
obj->p_input_buffer = obj->m_dcs->m_zero;
for (dcs_difference_t i = 0; i < obj->cm_den_order; ++i)
obj->p_output_buffer = obj->m_dcs->m_zero;
obj->fn_calc = _z_func_calc_default;
obj->p_cir_pos = 0;
void init_z_function_struct_mm(struct _entity_z_transfer_function* obj, struct _entity_discrete_control_system* dcs)
obj->p_input_buffer = obj->cm_num_order == 0 ? 0 : (dcs_param_t*)malloc(sizeof(dcs_param_t) * obj->cm_num_order);
obj->p_output_buffer = obj->cm_den_order == 0 ? 0 : (dcs_param_t*)malloc(sizeof(dcs_param_t) * obj->cm_den_order);
init_z_function_struct(obj, dcs);
void deinit_z_function_struct_mm(struct _entity_z_transfer_function* obj)
if (obj->cm_num_order != 0) free(obj->p_input_buffer);
if (obj->cm_den_order != 0) free(obj->p_output_buffer);
\begin{aligned} H(z) &= \frac{R(z)}{X(z)}=\frac{a_0+\Sigma_{p=1}^{m}{a_pz^{-p}}}{1+\Sigma_{q=1}^n{b_qz^{-q}}} \\ r_n &= a_0x_n+\Sigma_{p=1}^{m}{a_px_{n-p}}-\Sigma_{q=1}^n{b_qr_{n-q}} \end{aligned}
首先,我们需要一个控制系统的主时钟来主导运行过程,这个时钟频率应当设置为f=10kHz,我们在本案例中使用timer0 来实现。系统时钟为6.4\,MHz那么我们应当设置分频系数为6400。
接下来需要将控制系统的代码下载下来,并拷贝到src 文件夹中。首先需要设置include文件夹。可以在项目处右键,选择属性,进入C/C++ General/Paths and Symbols ,选项卡中,选择右侧第一项includes,在Language中选择GNU C,在其中添加:/${PWD}/../src/inc 和/${PWD}/../src/inc/control_suite 。
接着我们在Main.c 文件中添加#include <discrete_control_system.h> 和#include <z_transfer_function.h> 。
需要在文件emlib_setting.h 中添加#define DCS_PARAM_USE_INT16 和#define DCS_UNIT_USE_UIINT16 ,以及#define DCS_DIFFERENCE_USE_UINT32 。
// 初始化控制系统
dcs.m_discrete_time = 1; // 10 kHz
dcs.m_zero = 0;
z1.cm_num_order = 2;
z1.cm_den_order = 0;
int16_t num[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
int16_t den[1] = { 3 };
z1.cm_num_param = num;
z1.cm_den_param = den;
z1.p_input_buffer = input_array;
z1.p_output_buffer = output_array;
z1.m_buffer_state = BUFFER_POINTER_FIXED;
init_z_function_struct(&z1, &dcs);
// 启动TIM0作为系统时钟
In file included from ../src/Main.c:11:
E:\Hardware\CH583\EVT\EXAM\ADC_blur\src/inc/control_suite/discrete_control_system.h:73:9: note: #pragma message: Now the dcs_unit_t type is default type, which is float type. You may use macro "DCS_UNIT_USE_MANUAL" to specify the unit type clearly.
#pragma message ("Now the dcs_unit_t type is default type, which is float type. You may use macro \"DCS_UNIT_USE_MANUAL\" to specify the unit type clearly.\n")
Memory region Used Size Region Size %age Used
FLASH: 8620 B 448 KB 1.88%
RAM: 2240 B 32 KB 6.84%
text data bss dec hex filename
8508 112 356 8976 2310 ADC.elf
有兴趣的朋友可以试试使用MATLAB生成一个uint16_t 类型的FIR滤波器,可以实现对于ADC的输入滤波。
/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT *******************************
* File Name : Main.c
* Author : WCH
* Version : V1.0
* Description : adc采样滤波示例
#include "CH58x_common.h"
#include "CH58x_timer.h"
#include <discrete_control_system.h>
#include <z_transfer_function.h>
signed short RoughCalib_Value = 0; // ADC粗调偏差值
// 初始化控制系统
discrete_control_system dcs;
z_function z1;
int16_t input_array[2];
int16_t *output_array = 0;
void DebugInit( void )
GPIOA_SetBits( GPIO_Pin_9 );
GPIOA_ModeCfg( GPIO_Pin_8, GPIO_ModeIN_PU );
GPIOA_ModeCfg( GPIO_Pin_9, GPIO_ModeOut_PP_5mA );
int main()
UINT8 i;
SetSysClock( CLK_SOURCE_PLL_60MHz );
// 配置串口调试
PRINT( "Start @ChipID=%02X\n", R8_CHIP_ID );
// 单通道采样:选择adc通道0做采样,对应 PA4引脚, 首先进行数据校准功能
PRINT( "\n2.Single channel sampling...\n" );
GPIOA_ModeCfg( GPIO_Pin_4, GPIO_ModeIN_Floating );
ADC_ExtSingleChSampInit( SampleFreq_3_2, ADC_PGA_0 );
GPIOA_ModeCfg( GPIO_Pin_5, GPIO_ModeIN_Floating );
RoughCalib_Value = ADC_DataCalib_Rough(); // 用于计算ADC内部偏差,记录到全局变量 RoughCalib_Value中
// 初始化控制系统
dcs.m_discrete_time = 1; // 10 kHz
dcs.m_zero = 0;
z1.cm_num_order = 2;
z1.cm_den_order = 0;
int16_t num[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
int16_t den[1] = { 3 };
z1.cm_num_param = num;
z1.cm_den_param = den;
z1.p_input_buffer = input_array;
z1.p_output_buffer = output_array;
z1.m_buffer_state = BUFFER_POINTER_FIXED;
init_z_function_struct(&z1, &dcs);
// 启动TIM0作为系统时钟
void TMR0_IRQHandler( void ) // TMR0 定时中断
UINT16 data = ADC_ExcutSingleConver() + RoughCalib_Value;
z1.m_input = data;
if ( TMR0_GetITFlag( TMR0_3_IT_CYC_END ) )
TMR0_ClearITFlag( TMR0_3_IT_CYC_END ); // 清除中断标志
// GPIOB_InverseBits( GPIO_Pin_15 );