The pipeline is the sequence of steps instructions go through to be executed. Say for example, that the instruction is: add the numbers in registers 2 and 3 and put the result into register 1. So the first step of the pipeline might be to fetch the numbers out of registers 2 and 3 and store them. The next clock cycle, the arithmetic unit on the CPU would add these numbers and store the result. The next clock cycle, the result would be put into register 1.
引用 1 楼 jlctt 的回复:
The pipeline is the sequence of steps instructions go through to be executed. Say for example, that the instruction is: add the numbers in registers 2 and 3 and put the result into register 1. So the first step of the pipeline might be to fetch the numbers out of registers 2 and 3 and store them. The next clock cycle, the arithmetic unit on the CPU would add these numbers and store the result. The next clock cycle, the result would be put into register 1.