伴随国家在道路交通建设上的指示出台,激光雷达将在自动驾驶、车路协同、智慧交通、智慧城市等交通领域大有作为。此前,法国市场研究机构Yole Développement也在最新的报告中表示,到2025年,激光雷达设备市场规模将增加一倍以上,达到38亿美元。从市场层面上看,激光雷达前景可谓一路叫好。
北醒成立于2015年,短短6年时间,已获得包括IDG资本、顺为资本、凯辉汽车基金(法雷奥LP)、达泰资本、Keywise等Top 10的资本入驻。同时也在自动驾驶和车路协同、轨道交通等大交通领域陆续布局,目前北醒Horn系列长距高性能3D激光雷达已经获得大交通落地应用验证。针对现在外界对激光雷达颇为关注的技术路线、量产、成本以及可靠性的问题,北醒也在加快突破进度。
杜娟 | chinadaily.com.cn | 更新于:2021-07-15
【以下是China Daily的原文】
Unicorns on cutting edge of new economy
By DU JUAN | CHINA DAILY | Updated: July 15, 2021
Benewake Co, a high-tech company focusing on developing the "eyes of the robots"-LiDAR-in Beijing's Zhongguancun area, is on its way to become a potential unicorn.
"We are not far from becoming a unicorn company now," said Li Yuan, founder and chief executive of Benewake. "I'm looking forward to the day it happens since it will mark the boost of a new economic growth point driven by smart vehicles and intelligent railway system."
Li said becoming a unicorn is the middle-stage for a startup that is on its way to become a leading enterprise in an industry. The increasing number of potential unicorn companies means more possibilities in a vibrant economy.
"The high-end talents, supportive policies, as well as the great entrepreneurial climate are key reasons for Beijing becoming the best land for both unicorns and potential unicorns," Li said. As a LiDAR developer, its partners and clients such as autonomous vehicle producers and high-speed railway technology institutions are mostly based in the capital.
"I believe the potential unicorns will contribute greatly to the country's economy and the research of those companies has reflected the latest direction of the new industries," Li said.