- > Executing task: cmake -G Ninja .. <
- -- Project is not inside a git repository, or git repository has no commits; will not use 'git describe' to determine PROJECT_VER.
- -- Building ESP-IDF components for target esp32
- -- Checking Python dependencies...
- Python requirements from d:\esp-idf-v4.3-beta3\requirements.txt are satisfied.
- CMake Error at D:/esp-idf-v4.3-beta3/tools/cmake/component.cmake:224 (message):
- CMake Error at
- D:/esp-idf-v4.3-beta3/tools/cmake/scripts/component_get_requirements.cmake:97
- (include):
- include called with invalid argument:
- security/gatt_security_server/main/CMakeLists.txt
- Call Stack (most recent call first):
- D:/esp-idf-v4.3-beta3/tools/cmake/scripts/component_get_requirements.cmake:115 (__component_get_requirements)
- Call Stack (most recent call first):
- D:/esp-idf-v4.3-beta3/tools/cmake/build.cmake:414 (__component_get_requirements)
- D:/esp-idf-v4.3-beta3/tools/cmake/project.cmake:396 (idf_build_process)
- CMakeLists.txt:6 (project)
- -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
- See also "F:/xxxxxxxx/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
- 终端进程“C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command cmake -G Ninja ..”已终止,退出代码: 1。
- 终端将被任务重用,按任意键关闭。