Low-power RF newsletter: ** RF module and BlueNRG-mesh **[复制链接]
本帖最后由 sxluo 于 2021-3-16 10:14 编辑
Below some news about our BLE module portfolio and mesh package documentation.
BlueNRG-M0: new revision (#5) of the Datasheet, adding reference to WPC Certification available for -M0L (light version of the module, based on BlueNRG-MS network processor). Link here: https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/bluenrg-m0.pdf
BlueNRG-M2: new revision (#4) of the Datasheet, adding reference to SRRC Certification available for -M2SA (featured version of the module, based on BlueNRG-2 wireless processor). Link here: https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/bluenrg-m2.pdf