[00] www.codata.org, Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA). Contains most recent values of physical constants, published in Ref. [92]. [01] www.ieee.org/organizations/history_center/general_info/lines_menu.html, R. D. Friedel, Lines and Waves, An Exhibit by the IEEE History Center. [02] www.ece.umd.edu/~taylor/frame1.htm, Gallery of Electromagnetic Personalities. [03] www.ece.umd.edu/~taylor/optics.htm, L. S. Taylor, Optics Highlights. [04] mintaka.sdsu.edu/GF, A. T. Young, “An Introduction to Green Flashes,” with extensive bibliography. [05] www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/D.Jefferies/antennas.html, Notes on Antennas. [06] www.arrl.org, American Radio Relay League. [07] www.qth.com/antenna, The Elmer HAMlet. [08] www.northcountryradio.com, North Country Radio. [09] www.tapr.org, Tuscon Amateur Packet Radio. [10] aces.ee.olemiss.edu/, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society, [11] emlib.jpl.nasa.gov, EMLIB Software Library (with many EM links.) [12] www.qsl.net/wb6tpu/swindex.html, Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) Archives. [13] dutettq.et.tudelft.nl/~koen/Nec/neclinks.html, NEC links. [14] www-laacg.atdiv.lanl.gov/electromag.html, Los Alamos Accelerator Code Group (LAACG), Electromagnetic Modeling Software. [15] soli.inav.net/~rlcross/asap/index.html, ASAP-Antenna Scatterers Analysis Program. [16] www.itu.org, International Telcommunication Union(formerly CCIR.) [17] www.fcc.gov, Federal Communications Commission. [18] sss-mag.com/smith.html, The Smith Chart Page (with links.) [19] www.wirelessdesignonline.com, Wireless Design Online. [10] www.csdmag.com, Communication Systems Design Magazine. [21] home.earthlink.net/~jpdowling/pbgbib.html, J. P. Dowling, H. Everitt, and E. Yablonovitz, Photonic and Acoustic Band-Gap Bibliography. [22] www.sspectra.com/index.html, Software Spectra, Inc. Contains thin-film design examples. [23] www.therfc.com/attenrat.htm, Coaxial Cable Attenuation Ratings. [24] www.tm.agilent.com/data/static/eng/tmo/Notes/interactive/, Agilent, Application Notes Library. [25] www.semiconductor.agilent.com, Agilent RF & Microwave Products. [26] www.semiconductor.agilent.com, Agilent Wireless Library. [27] sss-mag.com/spara.html, S-Parameter Archive (with links.) [28] www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~mschmidt/literature/, M. Schmidt-Szalowski, Literature on Selected Microwave Topics. [29] www.mathworks.com, MATLAB resources at Mathworks, Inc. [30] www.3m.com/about3M/technologies/lightmgmt, Giant Birefringent Optics, 3M, Inc. [31] wwwppd.nrl.navy.mil/nrlformulary/nrlformulary.html, NRL Plasma Formulary. [32] voyager.jpl.nasa.gov, Voyager web site. [33] deepspace.jpl.nasa.gov/dsn, NASA’s Deep-Space Network.