I have been known to criticise the ESP32 port on grounds of instability. The firmware has been substantially updated so myself and Kevin Köck decided to re-run our tests to assess its current stability.
We came to the same conclusions. The SPIRAM boards are still prone to crashing. They will sometimes run for a day or two, but in the end they crash.
Non-SPIRAM boards never crashed in our tests, but we both experienced occasional reboots. Our micropython-iot library provides for a software WDT, but we don't enable it in the tests (so that crashing is obvious). We suspect that the reboot is coming from FreeRTOS.
My test is particularly demanding hitting a socket with rapid asynchronous sequences of messages from both endpoints. It has now run for 10 days through 194 WiFi outages without message loss. Two spontaneous reboots occurred. The board is the reference board running a recent daily build. It's deliberately located in an area with poor WiFi connectivity. Formerly I had this test down as "not working" on ESP32 so the firmware is much improved.
Reboots could be a concern in some applications.
非SPIRAM版本在我们的测试中从未崩溃,但我们都经历过偶尔的重启。我们的micropython iot库提供了一个软件WDT,但是我们在测试中没有启用它(因此崩溃是显而易见的)。我们怀疑重启来自FreeRTOS。