LTIB (Linux Target Image Builder)是飞思卡尔公司开发的一个工具,用于简化嵌入式bsp开发的工具,基本上就是一些脚本加上预先制作成功交叉工具连,由于linux开源世界太多软件版本不断升级,相互兼容极差,不同的软件由不同的志愿者维护,互相根本没有考虑到兼容性,这导致在嵌入式linux上开发的工程师的噩梦。在这种情况下,少数高人干起整合这些乱七八糟开源软件的事情,目标当然是尽量提供一个方便使用的软件包,避免那些琐碎繁杂的配置安装工作。
LTIB是其中之一,当然我觉得它还做的不够好,什么时候能做成如microsoft windows下的那种简单图形化傻瓜化的安装包就好了。
Main features
- Open source (GPL)
- Runs on most popular Linux host distributions (x86 and some PPC)
- Command line interface, with curses configuration screens (using LKC)
- Support for multiple target architectures (PPC, ARM, Coldfire)
- Target platforms selectable from a menu (CVS version)
- More than 200 userspace packages selectable
- Common root filesystem package set across architectures
- Supports building of bootloaders and kernel images
- All package building is done as non-root user
- Configuration/selection of individual packages from a menu
- Auto package dependency resolution
- Auto file conflict resolution by package order build scaling
- Auto re-install/de-install of packages by changes in dependency tree
- Toolchain selectable at configuration time
- Configuration of the Linux kernel using it's native config language
- Kernel selection can easilty be changed from choicelist during configuration
- Configuration of target system from host (IP address, services etc)