最近做了个模块使用了ISE的IP生成的FIFO,在Synplify_Pro9.6下面建了个工程,综合以后从Synplify_Pro9.6中打开ISE10.1,然后直接在ISE中做implement时报错. "ERROR:NgdBuild:76 - File "<xxx>.ngo" cannot be merged into block "xxx" (TYPE="<xxx>") because one or more pins on the block, including pin "<pin>", were not found in the file. Please make sure that all pins on the instantiated component match pins in the lower-level design block (irrespective of case). If there are bussed pins on this block, make sure that the upper-level and lower-level netlists use the same bus-naming convention." 但是用相同的文件(.v和IP的文件)在ISE下面创建一个工程,然后选择用Synplify综合,再用ISE做implement则是可以的。 另外不解的是如果在ISE下选择用Synplify综合,然后再打开Synplify,这个时候用Synplify默认打开的工程(其实就是刚才ISE下面用Synplify综合时创建的工程)再RUN一次,然后在Synplify里打开ISE,然后再用ISE做implement,是完全没问题的。