






看到了两款模拟矩阵芯片 16*8 交叉矩阵芯片 [复制链接]

本帖最后由 jameswangsynnex 于 2015-3-3 20:01 编辑


看到了两款模拟矩阵芯片 16*8 交叉矩阵芯片,是ADI 的AD8112和NS 的LMH6583 ,请问他们应用的范围有何区别呢?



NS     LMH6583





16 inputs and 8 outputs

64-pin exposed pad TQFP package

?3 dB bandwidth (VOUT = 2 VPP, RL = 1 k?)

550 MHz

?3 dB bandwidth (VOUT = 2 VPP,RL = 150?)

450 MHz

Fast slew rate

1800 V/μs

Channel to channel crosstalk (10/ 100 MHz)

?70/ ?52 dBc

All Hostile Crosstalk (10/ 100 MHz)

?55/?45 dBc

Easy to use serial programming

4 wire bus

Two programming modes

Serial & addressed modes

Symmetrical pinout facilitates expansion.

Output current

±60 mA

Gainf of 1 version also available



The LMH family of products is joined by the LMH6583, a high speed, non-blocking, analog, crosspoint switch. The LMH6583 is designed for high speed, DC coupled, analog signals like high resolution video (UXGA and higher). The LMH6583 has 16 inputs and 8 outputs. The non-blocking architecture allows an output to be connected to any input, including an input that is already selected. With fully buffered inputs the LMH6583 can be impedance matched to nearly any source impedance. The buffered outputs of the LMH6583 can drive up to two back terminated video loads (75? load). The outputs and inputs also feature high impedance inactive states allowing high performance input and output expansion for array sizes such as 16 x 16 or 32 x 8 by combining two devices. The LMH6583 is controlled with a 4 pin serial interface. Both single serial mode and addressed chain modes are available.

The LMH6583 comes in a 64-pin thermally enhanced TQFP package. It also has diagonally symmetrical pin assignments to facilitate double sided board layouts and easy pin connections for expansion.


  • Studio monitoring/production video systems
  • Conference room multimedia video systems
  • KVM (keyboard video mouse) systems
  • Security/surveillance systems
  • Multi antenna diversity radio
  • Video test equipment
  • Medical imaging
  • Wide-band routers & switches

    AD8112:  Audio/Video, 60 MHz, 16 × 8, Gain of +2 Crosspoint Switch



    Product Description


    The AD8112 is a low cost, fully buffered crosspoint switch matrix that operates on ±12 V for audio applications and ±5 V for video applications. It offers a ?3 dB signal bandwidth greater than 60 MHz and channel switch times of less than 60 ns with 0.1% settling for use in both analog and digital audio. The AD8112 operated at 20 kHz has a crosstalk performance of ?83 dB and isolation of 90 dB. In addition, ground/power pins surround all inputs and outputs to provide extra shielding for operation in the most demanding audio routing applications. With a differential gain and differential phase better than 0.1% and 0.1°, respectively, and a 0.1 dB flatness output of up to 10 MHz, the AD8112 is suitable for many video applications.

    The AD8112 includes eight independent output buffers that can be placed into a disabled state for paralleling crosspoint outputs so that off channel loading is minimized. The AD8112 has a gain of +2. It operates on voltage supplies of ±5 V or ±12 V while consuming only 34 mA or 31 mA of current, respectively. The channel switching is performed via a serial digital control (which can accommodate the daisy chaining of several devices) or via a parallel control, allowing updating of an individual output without reprogramming the entire array.

    The AD8112 is packaged in a 100-lead LQFP and is available over the commercial temperature range of 0°C to 70°C.


  • CCTV surveillance/DVR
  • Analog/digital audio routers
  • Video routers (NTSC, PAL, S-Video, SECAM)
  • Multimedia systems
  • Serial or parallel programming of switch array
  • Serial data out allows daisy chaining control of multiple
    16 × 8 arrays to create larger switch arrays
  • Output disable allows connection of multiple devices without loading the output bus
  • Complete solution
    Buffered inputs
    8 output amplifiers
    Operates on ±5 V or ±12 V supplies
    Low supply current of 54 mA
  • Excellent audio performance VS = ±12 V
    ±10 V output swing
    0.002% THD at 20 kHz maximum 20 V p-p (RL = 600 Ω)
  • Excellent video performance VS = ±5 V
    0.1 dB gain flatness of 10 MHz
    0.1% differential gain error (RL = 1 kΩ)
    0.1° differential phase error (RL = 1 kΩ)
  • Excellent ac performance
    ?3 dB bandwidth 60 MHz
  • Low all-hostile crosstalk of ?83 dB at 20 kHz
  • Reset pin allows disabling of all outputs (connected to a capacitor to ground provides power-on reset capability)
  • 100-lead LQFP (14 mm × 14 mm)




    本帖最后由 jameswangsynnex 于 2015-3-3 20:01 编辑   详情 回复 发表于 2010-7-19 14:14
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    个人签名James Wang







    本帖最后由 jameswangsynnex 于 2015-3-3 20:01 编辑


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