低功耗多协议芯片ZigBee/6LoWPAN/BLE/Thread 芯片CC2652
芯片介绍 CC2652R
协议栈下载,CC2652R SDK, http://www.ti.com/tool/simplelink-cc26x2-sdk
开发板,CC2652 LaunchPad, http://www.ti.com/tool/LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1
开发环境,CCS 7.4, http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Download_CCS
Our first complete release of SimpleLink Zigbee SDK Plugin is now available for download on TI.com at the link below. This package is intended to be a plugin to the SimpleLink CC26x2 SDK, also available at the link below. Simply download and install both of these installers along with CCS 7.4 in order to get started with development.
Like Z-Stack 3.0.1 for CC2530/CC2538, the Zigbee stack provided in this plugin is based on the Zigbee 3.0 specification and provides various sample applications that will help you quickly get started with Zigbee networking and also kickstart development for your own custom applications.
This release is intended to be used with the CC2652R1 LaunchPad and Code Composer Studio 7.4 (IAR is no longer supported). More information about the LaunchPads can be found at the link below.
Please refer to the documentation in this plugin for more information, as well as the README files included with each sample application.
<plugin path>\docs\zigbee_user_guide\docs\zigbee_user_guide\zigbee-users-guide.html