本帖最后由 qwqwqw2088 于 2019-8-4 22:06 编辑
今年的电赛设备清单里突然出现了一个“带 Z 轴输入端子的示波器(100MHz)”这是什么鬼?估计多数的同学和年轻老师懵逼了,网上搜一下,信息量也非常的少,个别零星的信息也都是若干年前的了。模拟年代过来的苏老师对这个“Z”也是感觉非常的百生,只听说过X、Y(二维的显示),后来经过天天泡在实验室设备中的老师的指点,才知道所谓的Z就是模拟示波器中的灰度调制,对应于示波器面板上的Ext.Sync(外同步)、Ext.Input(外部输入)。
Using X, Y and Z inputs of an oscilloscope you can watch TV. Need Horizontal and Vertical signals for X and Y. Take Z signal off the Video amplifier in a TV.
Anyway, Z input - this is simply a brightness modulation input, so X is left to right, Y is up and down, Z is 'backwards and forwards'. Generally you need a high signal level to modulate it (spec on mine says 3V p-p, 50V max), but personally I've never had occasion to use it either at home, or at work.
The one application I can think of where it is used is in rotating machinery vibration diagnostics (still reading? good - stay with me on this...)
Imagine an engine (a car engine will do ). The crankshaft is rotating at some speed - say 3000 rpm (50 cycles per second, 20ms per cycle).
I want to measure the vibration of the crankshaft so I have installed two probes at right-angles to each other (see drawing), both watching the shaft move, one in the 'X' axis and one in the 'Y' axis.
If I connect these to the 'scope's two channels and switch the timebase to 'CH2' or however your 'scope displays Lissajous figures the 'scope display will start to scribble a rough cicle in the middle of the screen, the shape and size of this circle is proportional to the movement of the crankshaft (see attached drawing).
This is great if you just wan t to see how well the engine is balanced or how much play there is in the bearing but you can estimate the amount of unbalance in the crankshaft and where to fit a balancing weight if you can relate this display to shaft rotational position.
By adding a third probe (crank angle sensor?) to look for a single tooth on the shaft you can see a breif pulse as this tooth passes the probe. Use this to drive the Z-Axis and your lissajous display suddeny has a 'bright-up' on it showing exactly how the shaft moves and allowing its angle to be seen.
一篇技术文章 - TV To Scope Converter(http://www.electronixandmore.com/projects/tvtoscope/index.html)中的电路图: