






micropython驱动微雪2.13寸墨水屏(电子纸) [复制链接]


  1. """
  2.         Example for 2.13 inch black & white & red Waveshare 2.13B E-ink screen
  3.         Run on ESP32 Waveshare driver board (software SPI)
  4.         Adapted by me -- April 2019
  5. """

  6. import epaper2in13b
  7. from machine import Pin, SPI

  8. # software SPI on ESP32 Waveshare driver board
  9. sck = Pin(13)
  10. mosi = Pin(14)
  11. cs = Pin(15)
  12. busy = Pin(25)
  13. rst = Pin(26)
  14. dc = Pin(27)
  15. # miso is not used but must be declared. Let's take any unused gpio: 12
  16. miso = Pin(12)
  17. spi = SPI(baudrate=100000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=sck, mosi=mosi, miso=miso)

  18. e = epaper2in13b.EPD(spi, cs, dc, rst, busy)
  19. e.init()

  20. w = 104
  21. h = 212
  22. x = 0
  23. y = 0

  24. # --------------------

  25. # use a frame buffer
  26. # 212 * 104 / 8 = 2756 - that's some pixels
  27. import framebuf
  28. buf = bytearray(w * h // 8)
  29. fb = framebuf.FrameBuffer(buf, w, h, framebuf.MONO_HLSB)
  30. black = 0
  31. white = 1
  32. fb.fill(white)

  33. # --------------------

  34. # write hello world with black bg and white text

  35. # from toto import hello_world_dark

  36. from image_dark import hello_world_dark
  37. from image_light import hello_world_light
  38. print('Image dark')
  39. bufImage = hello_world_dark
  40. fbImage = framebuf.FrameBuffer(bufImage, 128, 296, framebuf.MONO_HLSB)
  41. fb.blit(fbImage, 20, 2)
  42. bufImage = hello_world_light
  43. fbImage = framebuf.FrameBuffer(bufImage, 128, 296, framebuf.MONO_HLSB)
  44. fb.blit(fbImage, 168, 2)
  45. # e.display_frame(buf)
  46. e.display_frame(buf, buf)

  47. # --------------------

  48. # write hello world with white bg and black text
  49. print('Image light')
  50. #e.display_frame(hello_world_light)

  51. # --------------------

  52. print('Frame buffer things')
  53. fb.fill(white)
  54. fb.text('Hello World',30,0,black)
  55. fb.pixel(30, 10, black)
  56. fb.hline(30, 30, 10, black)
  57. fb.vline(30, 50, 10, black)
  58. fb.line(30, 70, 40, 80, black)
  59. fb.rect(30, 90, 10, 10, black)
  60. fb.fill_rect(30, 110, 10, 10, black)
  61. for row in range(0,36):
  62.         fb.text(str(row),0,row*8,black)
  63. fb.text('Line 36',0,288,black)
  64. #e.display_frame(buf)
  65. e.display_frame(buf, buf)

  66. # --------------------

  67. # wrap text inside a box
  68. black = 0
  69. white = 1
  70. # clear
  71. fb.fill(white)
  72. # display as much as this as fits in the box
  73. str = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel neque in elit tristique vulputate at et dui. Maecenas nec felis lectus. Pellentesque sit amet facilisis dui. Maecenas ac arcu euismod, tempor massa quis, ultricies est.'

  74. # this could be useful as a new method in FrameBuffer
  75. def text_wrap(str,x,y,color,w,h,border=None):
  76.         # optional box border
  77.         if border is not None:
  78.                 fb.rect(x, y, w, h, border)
  79.         cols = w // 8
  80.         # for each row
  81.         j = 0
  82.         for i in range(0, len(str), cols):
  83.                 # draw as many chars fit on the line
  84.                 fb.text(str[i:i+cols], x, y + j, color)
  85.                 j += 8
  86.                 # dont overflow text outside the box
  87.                 if j >= h:
  88.                         break

  89. # clear
  90. fb.fill(white)

  91. # draw text box 1
  92. # box position and dimensions
  93. print('Box 1')
  94. bx = 8
  95. by = 8
  96. bw = 112 #  = 14 cols
  97. bh = 112 #  = 14 rows (196 chars in total)
  98. text_wrap(str,bx,by,black,bw,bh,black)
  99. #e.display_frame(buf)
  100. e.display_frame(buf, buf)

  101. # draw text box 2
  102. print('Box 2 & 3')
  103. bx = 0
  104. by = 128
  105. bw = w # 128 = 16 cols
  106. bh = 6 * 8 # 48 = 6 rows (96 chars in total)
  107. text_wrap(str,bx,by,black,bw,bh,black)

  108. # draw text box 3
  109. bx = 0
  110. by = 184
  111. bw = w//2 # 64 = 8 cols
  112. bh = 8 * 8 # 64 = 8 rows (64 chars in total)
  113. text_wrap(str,bx,by,black,bw,bh,None)
  114. #e.display_frame(buf)
  115. e.display_frame(buf, buf)

  116. # --------------------


牛xxxxx  详情 回复 发表于 2019-4-23 13:27
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