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Fairchild Highlights Energy-Efficient Lighting Solutions
Fairchild Semiconductor highlighted its LED lighting solutions at PCIM Europe. Fairchild will also feature its leading power technologies and application demos that highlight Fairchild’s innovative AC-DC, DC-DC and automotive designs. High brightness LEDs use a fraction of the wattage that average incandescent bulbs use, last longer than fluorescent's and eliminate hazardous materials such as mercury and lead. Fairchild’s broad portfolio of power solutions enable higher efficiency in these applications, reduce component count and contribute to ecodesign.

For example, Fairchild’s PSR controllers, the FSEZ1307 and FAN102, eliminate power losses caused by the secondary side current sensing and achieve the most accurate constant current, allowing devices to accommodate different numbers of LED in series. These devices eliminate the secondary-side circuitry, and reduce the number of components, resulting in a lower Bill of Material (BOM) costs and less waste, contributing to ecodesign. Fairchild’s boundary mode PFC control IC, the FAN6961 or FAN7930, provides active power factor correction and component count for the power supplies that drive these LEDs.
Alfred Hesener, Marketing Director for Europe, Presented the company’s portfolio at Fairchild’s press conference.

Alfred Hesener, Marketing Director – Europe, Fairchild Semiconductor
He outlined the company’s expertise across the whole range of lighting applications from low power architectural lighting right up to high power street lighting.

Fairchild LED Lighting Solutions

Low power architectural lighting, bulb replacement: FL7700 for non-isolation

The Role of PSR Technology in Low Power Architectural Lighting
Fairchild also highlighted its broad portfolio of AC-DC solutions that offer up to 96 percent efficiency, low standby power and system reliability. Demos featured the award-winning interleaved boundary-mode PFC controller, the FAN9612, as well as the FSFA2100, a 450W half-bridge asymmetric power switch.
In DC-DC designs, Fairchild’s solutions achieve over 50 percent space savings; optimizing power and ease-of-design. Demos featured the TinyBuck™ family that offers high efficiency for point of load (POL), set-top boxes, servers and smart meter applications and Dual Cool™ MOSFETs that improve power density, power dissipation and system reliability in applications such as telecom, datacom and workstations.

For automotive, Fairchild showcased its gate drivers, which enable increased fuel efficiency. Demos included the FAN708x series of HVICs that allow engineers to develop more accurate and precise fuel injection control systems under all operating conditions.
Fairchild technologists presented the following papers:
  • Conduction mode EMI analysis of flyback topology SMPS
  • Thermal characterization of multi-die products
  • High cell density, shielded-gate power MOSFET for improved DC-DC applications
Fairchild also delivered two vendor presentations:
  • Improving Efficiency and Standby Power for 200W-500W AC input power supplies
  • Thermally Enhanced, Top-Side Cooling Power56 Package for High Current DC-DC Solutions
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