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    MPLAB Xpress 特性一览

  •     只需数秒即可着手开发PIC MCU
  •     无需安装软件
  •     使用MPLAB代码配置器轻松设置MCU
  •     在线模拟或编程/调试您的硬件
  •     通过社区分享您的代码
  •     从包含经验证代码示例的库开始
MPLAB® Xpress——基于云服务的集成开发环境(IDE)
MPLAB Xpress是一款免费的在线开发环境,囊括了Microchip屡获奖项的MPLAB X IDE的大多数常用功能。这一精简的应用程序忠实地还原了Microchip基于计算机的程序,让用户可在两种环境间轻松切换。
MPLAB Xpress 云端IDE是了解Microchip生态系统简单、快速而轻松的途径。借助MPLAB Xpress,工程师可以通过任何网络浏览器轻松编辑、编译和编程喜爱的PIC MCU。无需任何下载或安装,注册也非常简单。这款开发环境提供丰富的特性集,包括:用于设置外设和生成代码的MPLAB代码配置器、经验证的Microchip代码示例,每个myMicrochip账户有10GB的安全在线存储空间。此外,所有MPLAB Xpress项目均与功能齐备的下载版MPLAB X IDE完全兼容。

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要使用MPLAB Xpress的所有功能,请使用您的myMicrochip用户名和密码登录。如无,可根据提示,注册帐户即可。
如要进一步研究MPLAB Xpress软件,可进入Microchip Developer Help
体验过的EEworld社区网友写了相关评测帖( >>点击查看),欢迎体验的网友跟帖讨论。

 Do I need a very fast internet connection to use MPLAB Xpress?
 What if I decide/need to move a project developed in MPLAB Xpress to my local machine?
 Can I share my projects with other users and developers in my community?
 Can I access MPLAB Xpress from my smart phone/tablet?
 I have a PICkit3 programmer/debugger. Can I use it with MPLAB Xpress?
 How secure is my project in the MPLAB Xpress cloud?
 What secures data when moving from MPLAB X to the cloud based system?
 When will MPLAB Xpress be available for 16- and 32-bit MCUs?
 What is the difference between MPLAB X and MPLAB Xpress?
 How are examples in the community validated by Microchip?
 When will a MPLAB Xpress user likely need to download MPLAB X?
 Why would an MPLAB X user have a need to use MPLAB Xpress?
 How much does a subscription to MPLAB XC PRO cost?
 What is a Java Webstart and why is it used for MCC and the USB Bridge?