英文没学好,在阅读英文文献时遇到很大的阻力。 1,Frequent references are made to source code files since source code is provided for this support .
make references to 提到,引用
可以换一下位置,Frequent references to source code files are made ...
译为“多次引用源程序” 2,The protocol support is realized in a small number of API calls.These APIs support Customers applicition peer-to-peer messaging .The association
between two applications ,called linking,is done at run time.The linking process creates a connection based object through which the application
peers can send messages.When a connection is eatablished it is a bi-directional connection.There are provisions for a basic commissioning mechanism as well in which th connection context is populated directly with application layer calls.
是基于对象的,对象通过连接进行信息传送。对象之间建立的连接是双向的。协议规定,在基本调试过程中,联系内容是直接填入应用层的。其中provision:规 定;be populated with:填入(???这里没有看,希望有前辈或者懂的人能指点一下!) 3,There is also an entity called Board Support Package(BSP)to abstract the SPI interface from the NWK layer calls that interact with radio.It is not intended to support a general hardware abstraction in service to the applications.Only those services (Such as the SPI interface) that are in direct support of the NWK-radio
interface are supported.As a convenience is also supports LEDs and button/switch peripherals attached to GPIO pin.But no other services are provided such as
UART drivers ,LCD drivers,or timer services.
翻译成:有个实体,叫着BSP(应用板支持程序包)从网络层抽象出SPI接口,与射频层进行交互。它不是应用服务中的通用硬件抽象,只有在这些服务,比 如 SPI接口,在支持网络层和射频层之间的通信时才提供。为了方便,它还提供了LED和按键灯等依附于GPIO的外设,但没有提供像UART驱动、LCD驱动和定时器 这些服务。 不太理解“abstraction“这个词,翻译成”抽象“也理解不了。但是真正有意义的是,它告诉我们”BSP为网络层和射频层提供了SPI通信接口,BSP中提供了LED和按键的定义,但没有提供串口、LCD和定时器定义,如果需要的话,需要我们自己定义。“ 阅读SimpliciTI协议Developer's Notes 时,感触最深的是,通篇,逐字逐句地翻译文献是没有必要的,但是又不能跳着看,因为没准儿就把什么重要信息给给遗漏了。打个比方吧,在无线模块的配置过程中,需要配置调制方式,通信速率、接收滤波带宽、频段、发射功耗等,但这些可以通过SmartRF Studio7来配置,而不需要自己一个个去配置相关寄存器。而这个,Developer‘s Notes就告诉了我们。目前还没有摸索到高效地阅读英文文献的方法,只能边有道边翻译。但因为不懂,所以很多专业术语,很难理解。