以下在moddelsim中仿真出错:vhdl compiler exiting;vcom failed; 哪位高手解释下 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity test is end entity test; architecture testbench of test is component mux port(a,b,s: in bit; y: out bit); end component mux; signal a,b,s,y:bit; begin CUT:mux port map(a,b,s,y); process (a,b,s) begin if s='0' then y<=a;else y<=b; end if; end process; end architecture; type testdata is record a:bit; b:bit; s:bit; end; type data_array is array (nature range <>) of data_array constant test_data:data_array:=(('0','0'),('0','1'),('1','0'),('1','1')); process begin for i in test_data'range loop a<=test_data(i).a; b<=test_data(i).b; s<=test_data(i).s wait for 100ns; end loop wait; end process;