本帖最后由 dcexpert 于 2023-4-26 20:56 编辑
v1.20.0:新的 mip 包管理器、压缩类型结构和 Pico W 支持
此版本的 MicroPython 引入了一个名为 mip 的新轻量级包管理器,它使用自定义协议来查询和安装针对嵌入式系统优化的包。它旨在替换 upip,并支持从 micropython-lib 以及任何 URL 安装包。 mip 可以直接在设备上运行(具有网络连接)或通过 mpremote,作为其中的一部分,所有纯 Python 驱动程序都已从 micropython 存储库移至 micropython-lib 存储库,从而更容易安装给定项目所需的包。
在 MicroPython 运行时中,核心/内置类型只通过在C级类型结构中包含给定类型所需的C函数指针插槽(而不是为未使用的插槽存储NULL指针)来进行压缩。这导致所有移植版本的代码大小减少了数千字节(例如,bare-arm 大约 1200 字节),性能损失非常小。任何第三方 C 扩展都需要更新才能与此更改一起使用。查看提交 662b9761b37b054f08fe2f7c00d0fce3a418d0b0 和 3ac8b5851e5f4dade465d52b91ed2ccc17851263 了解详情。
MicroPython 虚拟机/运行时也有许多改进和错误修复,包括:将 hex/fromhex 方法添加到 bytes/memoryview/bytearray、字典联合(PEP 584)、支持__float__和__complex__函数、支持模块对象上的__dict__,以及对所有字符串的UTF-8验证。现在对整数浮点进行了精确格式化,并且对浮点数的解析和格式化进行了其他准确性改进。为.mpy文件引入了一个子版本,该版本仅在.mpy文件包含本机代码时使用,允许本机 ABI 更改,同时保留与纯字节码 .mpy 文件的向后兼容性。现在有一个选项可以将 GC 堆拆分到多个内存池中,尽管尚未使用此选项。新的 MP_REGISTER_root_pointer 宏简化了根指针注册。
在网络模块中,scan()、connect() 和 config() 的关键字参数已被重命名,以便在移植和驱动程序之间更加一致。更改后的参数名称:“essid”更改为“ssid”,“auth”或“authmode”更改为“security”,“password”更改为“key”。旧的关键字参数仍然被支持,保证此更改是向后兼容的。还添加了函数network.hostname() 和 network.country(),它们提供了一个跨硬件的标准接口,用于设置所有接口和接口类型的全局网络配置。特别是,现在所有基于CYW43xx的板(如 pyboard-D、Arduino Portenta、Pico W 等)都支持设置主机名。
mbedtls(SSL 库)设置也已在使用此库的移植版之间进行统一,并启用椭圆曲线 DH 和 DSA 加密,以便设备可以连接到更多网站。 cert_reqs 和 cadata 参数也已实现。套接字现在支持离开多播组。 WebREPL 现在将从设备上运行页面,允许从 HTTPS 站点加载 WebREPL 资源。
蓝牙模块对 IRQ_GATTC_CHARACTERISTIC_RESULT 有一个小的中断更改:def_handle 已替换为 end_handle。这预计不会影响大多数程序,因为 def_handle 不太可能被使用。请参阅提交 cacc96d98c2a70dc7e5194331ea70746c39746ec。
uasyncio 模块现在支持流读取 (-1),处理不带 awaitables 的收集,并向 ThreadSafeFlag 添加 clear() 方法。 framebuf 模块添加了椭圆和多边形绘制方法,以及 rect() 的填充参数以与这些新方法保持一致。
添加了一个新移植,即“嵌入式”移植,它是 MicroPython 的一个移植版,以 C 语言为目标并输出一组独立的 .c 和 .h 文件以嵌入到更广泛的项目中。提供了一个示例来说明这是如何工作的。
esp8266 移植在 GENERIC 板上启用了反向特殊方法,添加了 uart.flush() 和 uart.txdone(),在 PWM 驱动的引脚上启用了真正的漏极开路输出,并增加了为 WLAN 设置 TX 功率的能力接口。
esp32 移植现在使用同步 BLE 事件,支持 BLE 配对和绑定。 LAN 驱动程序增加了对 LAN8710、KSZ8081 的支持,ETH ref_clk 引脚的配置,以及对基于 SPI 的以太网芯片的支持。 UART 现在支持设置 timeout_char 并实现 uart.flush() 和 uart.txdone()。新开发板包括带八通道 SPIRAM 的 ESP32S3、Olimex PoE 开发板和用于单核芯片的通用板。还有许多错误修复,特别是对于较新的 MCU 版本,如 S2、S3 和 C3。
mimxrt 移植已经看到大量代码清理,支持 MIMXRT1176 MCU 和 MIMXRT1170_EVK 开发板,machine.Timer 的软定时器实现,添加 machine.bootloader(),以及 uart.flush() 和uart.txdone()。
在 nrf 移植上,machine.UART 和 machine.PWM 已得到改进以匹配其他移植版本(PWM 更改是一项重大更改),并且 machine.I2C 现在支持 freq 参数。新的开发板包括 Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense 开发板和 Seeed XIAO NRF52840 Sense。
rp2 移植集成了新的 Pico W 开发板中使用的 CYW43xx WiFi 驱动程序,它类似于 Pico,但支持 WiFi。其他新增开发板包括 W5500_EVB_PICO、WEACTSTUDIO 和 nullbits Bit-C PRO 开发板。添加了对命名引脚的支持,包括 Pin.board 和 Pin.cpu 属性,与支持此功能的其他移植版本保持一致。已实施 machine.lightsleep() 函数以及 SSL 证书时间验证,并使用更准确的公式来确定 PWM 频率和占空比。 MicroPython 程序可用的 GC 堆已增加,以使用最大可用空闲 RAM,用户堆增加约 20k。使用两个内核时,对线程和并发进行了重要的错误修复。
samd 移植功能得到显著扩展,包括:带有 pins.csv 文件的命名引脚,以及 Pin.board 和 Pin.cpu 属性; ADC、PWM、DAC、SoftSPI、SoftI2C、SPI、I2C和RTC类添加到 machine 模块;引脚的 pin.irq() 方法和 OPEN_DRAIN 模式; freq、disable_irq、enable_irq、idle、lightsleep 和 time_pulse_us 函数已添加到 machine 模块。已为 SAMD21 设备添加了浮点支持,并为 SAMD51 启用了数学模块。添加了 Sparkfun Think Plus 的开发板定义。
stm32 移植增加了对 STM32L1xx MCU、STM32H723、STM32G0xx 上的 USB 的支持以及对 STM32G0xx 的 mboot 支持。现有的 CYW43xx WiFi 驱动程序已被开源版本的 cyw43-driver 取代,并且已集成到所有带有 CYW43xx 芯片的开发板。对 CC3000 WiFi 驱动程序的支持已被删除,Wiznet 驱动程序集成已重新设计为使用与其他移植共享的通用驱动程序(并且使用 lib/wiznet5k 而不是旧的 drivers/wiznet5k)。为 STM32L1xx 和 STM32L4xx 添加了硬件 I2C 实现,添加了对 Arduino 1200bps 触摸进入引导加载程序的支持(仅在 Arduino 开发板上),添加了 mbedtls (SSL) 证书时间验证,并默认对小闪存电路板启用链接时间优化 (LTO)。新增开发板定义包括:LEGO Hub No. 7、NUCLEO-L152RE、NUCLEO-F756ZG、NUCLEO-H723ZG、Arduino Nicla Vision 和 Arduino Giga H7。 Arduino 板现在还包括一系列冻结库,包括 senml。
对于 unix 和 windows 移植,构建输出(包括可执行文件)现在保存在与构建关联的 $(BUILD) 目录中。作为其中的一部分,变体后缀已从可执行文件名称中删除。例如,之前的 micropython-coverage 现在是 build-coverage/micropython,标准变体是 build-standard/micropython。此外,dev 变体已被删除,其功能已在标准变体上启用,现在标准变体具有与典型裸机板相同的功能集,使其更便于开发使用。其余变体是:minimal、standard、nanbox、coverage。此移植的 SSL 实现已从 axtls 切换到 mbedtls,再次匹配大多数裸机移植。
javascript 移植已重命名为 webassembly,并通过使用 Emscripten 的 POSIX 文件系统层添加了对 VFS 和 VfsPosix 的支持。 stdout 打印的工作方式也已更改为通过名为“micropython-print”的自定义事件进行分派。
zephyr 移植将 Zephyr 升级到 v3.1.0,添加了 bbc_microbit_v2 的自定义配置,并启用了终结器。
bare-arm: -1124 -1.934%
minimal x86: -4322 -2.967%
unix x64: +264181 +50.533% standard
stm32: -3592 -0.906% PYBV10
cc3200: -1832 -0.990%
esp8266: -2284 -0.327% GENERIC
esp32: +9659 +0.632% GENERIC
nrf: -84 -0.045% pca10040
rp2: +13096 +4.291% PICO
samd: +127776 +90.488% ADAFRUIT_ITSYBITSY_M4_EXPRESS
- bare-arm、minimal、stm32、cc3200、esp8266:由于压缩类型结构而减小了尺寸
- unix:将 axtls 切换为 mbedtls,合并开发配置选项和功能
- esp32:新的以太网驱动程序和一些额外的 machine 模块功能
- nrf:压缩类型结构和 machine 模块改进
- rp2:额外的 mbedtls 功能和加密
- samd:许多新特性,以及 machine 模块、类和函数
Alex Riesen, Andrew Leech, Andrew Scheller, Angus Gratton, Antonello Margottini, Antonin ENFRUN, Ayke van Laethem, Blake Felt, brave ulysses, Brian Cooke, Brian Pugh, Carlosgg, Chris Overgaauw, Chris Swan, Chris Waggoner, chrismas9, Christian Clauss, Christian Walther, Clayton Cronk, cpottle9, Dale Weber, Damiano Mazzella, Damien George, Damien Tournoud, Dan Ellis, Daniel Jour, David (Pololu), David Grayson, David Lechner, David Peake, David Yang, Dorukyum, Efi Weiss, enriquezgarc, Felix Dörre, Florian Weimer, glenn20, hoihu, Howard Lovatt, iabdalkader, Ian Davies, IcedRooibos, Ihor Nehrutsa, Jacob Siverskog, Jan Hrudka, Jan Willeke, Jared Hancock, Jatty_, Jay Greco, Jeff Epler, Jeremy Rand, Jim Mussared, Jonas Scharpf, Jos Verlinde, Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado, Koen De Vleeschauwer, Kyuchumimo, Lars Haulin, Laurens Valk, LiaoJingyi_winY7kp, Luiz Brandao, ma-lalonde, manobendro, Maripo GODA, Mark Grosen, Martin Milata, Mat Booth, Matt Trentini, Maureen Helm, Michael Bentley, Michael Mogenson, MrJake222, Nathan Hendler, Ned Konz, Nicholas H.Tollervey, Oliver Joos, omogenot, Patrick, Patrick Joy, Paul Grayson, Paul Warren, Pepijn de Vos, Peter Harper, Peter Hinch, PGE, Phil Howard, Philip Peitsch, Philipp Ebensberger, pmendham, Rayane Chatrieux, Red_M, Rob Knegjens, robert-hh, Sebastian Romero, Simon Arlott, Sky, Stewart C. Russell, Stig Bjørlykke, stijn, Stuart Langridge, Takeo Takahashi, Thorsten von Eicken, Tim Gates, Tobias Thyrrestrup, Tomasz 'CeDeROM' CEDRO, Tomofumi Inoue, TPReal, Trammell hudson, Wind-stormger, yn386, Yonatan Goldschmidt, 小权一句两句.
此版本中完成的工作部分由 GitHub Sponsors、George Robotics 和 Planet Innovation 资助。
下面是一份详细的更改列表,根据 git 提交历史生成,并组织成多个部分。
Main components
- fix paths to mpy-cross and micropython binaries
- remove MICROPY_PY_IO_FILEIO config option
- update all manifest.py files to use new features
- simplify buffer protocol to just a "get buffer" callback
- standardise mp_obj_type_t initialisation
- make all mp_obj_type_t defs use MP_DEFINE_CONST_OBJ_TYPE
- fix #if inside MP_DEFINE_CONST_OBJ_TYPE for msvc
- remove unnecessary locals_dict cast
- use += rather than = everywhere for CFLAGS/LDFLAGS/LIBS
- keep msvc build output in build/ directories
- fix Python comparison to None and True, and use "not in"
- use micropython-lib unconditionally in manifests
- replace upip with mip everywhere
- update Python formatting to black "2023 stable style"
- update copyright year range to include 2023
py core:
- vm: change comparison for finally handler search from > to >=
- emit: remove logic to detect last-emit-was-return-value
- emit: suppress unreachable bytecode/native code that follows jump
- objcell: make cell get/set funcs static-inline to reduce code size
- parsenum: support parsing complex numbers of the form "a+bj"
- parsenum: fix parsing of complex "j" and also "nanj", "infj"
- parsenum: optimise when building with complex disabled
- objclosure: forward function attributes for closures
- objfun: support function attributes on native functions
- builtin: remove unnecessary module declarations
- builtinhelp: don't show help for an MP_MODULE_ATTR_DELEGATION_ENTRY
- mkrules.cmake: improve printing of git-submodules error
- scheduler: de-inline and fix race with pending exception / scheduler
- vm: document internal SELECTIVE_EXC_IP option
- emitnative: fix STORE_ATTR viper code-gen when value is not a pyobj
- vm: remove check for ip being NULL when handling StopIteration
- vm: in YIELD_FROM opcode, expand helper macros and remove them
- vm: consistently indent #if guards to match the code they surround
- objnamedtuple: fix segfault with empty namedtuple
- obj: add static safety checks to mp_obj_is_type()
- obj: add debug-only runtime checks to mp_obj_is_type()
- make_root_pointers: add MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER parser/generator
- mpstate: drop MICROPY_PORT_ROOT_POINTERS from mp_state_vm_t
- persistentcode: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER()
- scheduler: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER()
- misc: fix msvc compilation with compressed error messages
- qstr: make mp_decompress_rom_string decl and def the same
- gc: allow the GC heap to be split over multiple memory areas
- gc: reduce code size when MICROPY_GC_SPLIT_HEAP is disabled
- obj: add support for __float__ and __complex__ functions
- obj: make mp_obj_get_complex_maybe call mp_obj_get_float_maybe first
- compile: support large integers in inline-asm data directive
- modio: remove FileIO and TextIOWrapper from io module
- formatfloat: format all whole-number floats exactly
- builtinimport: remove duplicate static function argument
- mkenv.mk: use micropython-lib from submodule by default
- runtime: fix crash in star arg unpacking
- mpprint: fix formatting typo with mp_print_ext_t struct name
- objstr: reformat str access macros to make them readable
- mkrules.mk: keep all build artefacts inside $(BUILD) directory
- dynruntime.mk: allow building assembly source in natmods
- nlrpowerpc: fix generation of ppc64 code on ppc32 build
- qstr: change qstr hash type from mp_uint_t to size_t
- objstr: consolidate methods for str/bytes/bytearray/array
- objstr: add hex/fromhex to bytes/memoryview/bytearray
- objstr: remove str function object declarations from header file
- mkrules: use abspath to find directory for mpy-cross dependency
- parsenum: ensure that trailing zeros lead to identical results
- formatfloat: use pow(10, e) instead of pos/neg_pow lookup tables
- dynruntime: add mp_obj_is_true
- clean up formatting of union definitions
- builtinimport: allow overriding of mp_builtin___import__
- objstr: split mp_obj_str_from_vstr into bytes/str versions
- objstr: always ensure mp_obj_str_from_vstr is unicode-safe
- objstr: optimise mp_obj_new_str_from_vstr for known-safe strings
- objstr: always validate utf-8 for mp_obj_new_str
- persistentcode: clarify ValueError when native emitter disabled
- objpolyiter: add a new polyiter type with finaliser support
- mpconfig: add LFS1/LFS2 options to match FAT/posix
- mpconfig: make feature levels available to mpconfigport.h
- mpconfig: add "everything" features from unix coverage
- objpolyiter: fix comment about finaliser method
- mkrules.mk: add link to build troubleshooting on failure
- obj: add macro to declare ROM mp_obj_type_t instances
- obj: add "full" and "empty" non-variable-length mp_obj_type_t
- obj: add accessors for type slots and use everywhere
- obj: add slot-index mp_obj_type_t representation
- obj: remove basic mp_obj_type_t sparse representation
- objtype: optimise slot RAM usage for instance types
- objnamedtuple: optimise slot RAM usage for namedtuple
- obj: merge getiter and iternext mp_obj_type_t slots
- obj: convert make_new into a mp_obj_type_t slot
- obj: optimise code size and performance for make_new as a slot
- persistentcode: introduce .mpy sub-version
- objmodule: add support for __dict__
- runtime: add mp_raise_OSError_with_filename helper function
- include filename in errors from loading/saving files via "open"
- parse: allow const types other than int to optimise as true/false
- objstr: don't treat bytes as unicode in str.count
- mkenv.mk: make CPP definition explicit for consistency
- objstr: add a helper to set mp_obj_str_t data
- modsys: add support for sys.executable
- py.mk: make user-C-module handling self-contained in py.mk
- misc: remove use of bitfield from vstr_t
- obj: verify floating point type is correct for repr C
- persistentcode: only emit sub-version if generated code has native
- obj: add comments explaining the slot index scheme
- makeversionhdr: fall back to py/mpconfig.h instead of docs/conf.py
- builtinimport: fix crash handling "weak link" module names
- objarray: detect bytearray(str) without an encoding
- emitnative: ensure load_subscr does not clobber existing REG_ARG_2
- nlrmips: add native NLR support for MIPS architecture
- makeversionhdr.py: allow running outside of repo
- objdict: implement dictionary union (PEP 584)
- bc: fix checking for duplicate **kwargs
- modmicropython: make module optional
- mpconfig: include micropython module in core features
- remove the word "yet" from exception messages
- pass in address to compiled module instead of returning it
- gc: avoid valgrind false positives
- gc: ensure a gap of one byte after the ATB
- gc: fix debug printing of GC layout
- obj: remove unused MP_DEFINE_CONST_OBJ_FULL_TYPE macro
- emitnative: initialise locals as Python object type for native code
- map: clear value when re-using slot with ordered dictionaries
- gc: increase the address length in gc_dump_alloc_table()
- objarray: raise error on out-of-bound memoryview slice start
- lexer: wrap in parenthesis all f-string arguments passed to format
- add parenthesis to default impl of MP_OBJ_TO_PTR, MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR
- objint_mpz: catch and reject @ and @= operating on big integers
- mkrules: support mpy-tool-flags in cmake frozen code generation
- mkrules.cmake: force build mpversion.h and frozen_content.c
- modmath: fix two-argument math function domain check
- emitnative: explicitly compare comparison ops in binary_op emitter
- makeversionhdr.py: optionally get git tag and git hash from env vars
- compile: fix scope of assignment expression target in comprehensions
- gc: make gc_dump_info/gc_dump_alloc_table take a printer as argument
- mpconfig: provide config option for internal printf printer
- builtinimport: fix unix port build with external imports disabled
- makeversionhdr.py: always add micro to version string even if it's 0
- obj: add MP_NOINLINE to mp_obj_malloc_helper
- mpstate: add mp_thread_is_main_thread() helper macro
- scheduler: implement VM abort flag and mp_sched_vm_abort()
- obj: fix spelling of staticmethod
- makeqstrdefs.py: fix handling GreenHills C/C++ preprocessor output
- network_cyw43: rename WLAN keyword args to ssid/security/key
- network_ninaw10: rename WLAN connect argument from essid to ssid
- modlwip: clean up inclusion of modlwip in build process
- extmod.cmake: only include modbtree in build if it's enabled
- extmod.mk: separate out extmod file list from py.mk to extmod.mk
- modbtree: use buffer protocol for keys/values
- uasyncio: attempt to write immediately in Stream.write method
- uasyncio: implement stream read(-1) to read all data up to EOF
- vfs: prevent uninitialized variable warning for path_out
- network_cyw43: support new cyw43-driver
- modnetwork: include cyw43-driver header if it's enabled
- network_cyw43: add "security" config option to get/set auth mode
- modnetwork: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER()
- uos_dupterm: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER()
- modbluetooth: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER()
- always use custom mbedtls error message code
- modussl_mbedtls: implement cert_reqs and cadata arguments
- btstack: fix descriptor discovery handle range and events
- network_ninaw10: move ninaw10 root pointer registrations here
- modbluetooth: add support for running sync irq on system thread
- webrepl: allow the page to run from the device (over HTTP)
- uasyncio: handle gather with no awaitables
- ntptime: factor out ntptime module from esp8266 port
- modussl_mbedtls: set a more sensible default debug log level
- network_cyw43: add hostname config option
- network_wiznet5k: register NIC when the lwIP stack is used
- network_wiznet5k: drop obsolete argument count check
- network_wiznet5k: deinit the NIC before (re-)initialisation
- network_wiznet5k: schedule clearing of interrupt flags
- network_wiznet5k: rearrange the function wiznet5k_poll()
- network_wiznet5k: extract SPI transfer function dynamically
- uasyncio: add clear method to ThreadSafeFlag
- uasyncio: rename internal _flag to state, to save a qstr
- modlwip: add support for leaving multicast groups
- vfs_posix_file: remove unused MICROPY_VFS_POSIX_FILE
- modframebuf: optimise argument handling
- modframebuf: add fill argument to rect()
- modframebuf: add ellipse drawing method
- modframebuf: add polygon drawing methods
- modframebuf: improve poly-fill boundary pixels
- network_wiznet5k: use the configured DNS address if available
- machine_i2c: call MICROPY_PY_EVENT_HOOK during i2c.scan()
- modure: convert byte offsets to unicode indices when necessary
- modbluetooth: fix descriptor registration with empty tuple
- modbluetooth: replace def_handle with end_handle in char IRQ
- vfs: add finaliser to ilistdir to close directory handle
- vfs_posix_file: implement finaliser for files
- modbluetooth: change data_len type from size_t to uint16_t
- modbluetooth: do GATTC reassembly in protected uPy context
- modbluetooth: run BLE IRQ callback in protected NLR context
- extmod.mk: make extmod.mk handle GIT_SUBMODULES
- make extmod.mk self-contained
- utime_mphal: make ticks_add check for overflow of delta
- btstack: update BTstack bindings to work with latest BTstack
- mbedtls: add common configuration file, and use it in all ports
- mbedtls: enable elliptic curve DH and DSA cryptography
- mbedtls: remove MBEDTLS_ECP_DP_CURVE25519_ENABLED config
- mbedtls: remove brainpool curves from config
- machine_timer: move stm32's implementation of machine.Timer here
- vfs_posix: include errno.h and unistd.h headers
- extmod.cmake: allow overriding the default MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE
- modlwip: use actual errno in exception for error in listen
- extmod.mk: set default mbedtls config file in extmod Makefile
- btstack: allow the BTstack config to be overridden by a board
- add and reorganise compilation guards and includes
- extmod.cmake: add MICROPY_PY_BTREE compiler definition
- moduplatform: remove _M_IX86 test for xtensa
- moduplatform: fix MSVC x86_64 check
- modframebuf: fix crash in FrameBuffer scrolling beyond extents
- uasyncio: fix syntax of generator functions
- modnetwork: use a type protocol to implement NIC functions
- modussl_mbedtls: fix support for ioctl(MP_STREAM_POLL)
- network_cyw43: fix handling of networks with open security
- axtls-include: add back needed header files for building axTLS
- utime_mphal: fix comment re delta range check in time_ticks_add
- modbtree: move system includes within MICROPY_PY_BTREE guard
- modnetwork: add network.hostname() and network.country()
- modnetwork: allow more extensive port-specific customisation
- network_cyw43: use CYW43_CHANNEL_NONE for default arg in connect
- vfs_posix: do not filter '..*' in ilistdir when filtering '..'
- network_ninaw10: check socket types when creating new sockets
- network_cyw43: fix setting hostname using config() method
- network_cyw43: add support to get STA RSSI using status() method
- network_ninaw10: add missing raw socket type to socket()
- btstack: switch to use hci_dump_init instead of hci_dump_open
- modbluetooth: merge gatts_notify/indicate implementation
- btstack: fix indicate/notify queuing
- btstack: include value handle in client read/write events
- btstack: fix MTU handling
- btstack: add support for CCCD to allow client subscriptions
- nimble: fix flags for descriptor registration
- modbluetooth: make all HCI transports trace in the same format
- btstack/modbluetooth_btstack: add default services
- runtime/tinyusb_helpers: add TinyUSB helper functions
- netutils/dhcpserver: match default DNS to server IP
- readline: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER()
- runtime/pyexec: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER()
- runtime/softtimer: move softtimer.[ch] to shared/runtime
- runtime/softtimer: remove obsolete #include statement
- runtime/sys_stdio_mphal: make func static and remove some TODOs
- runtime/gchelper_native: fix pointer cast on x86_64
- netutils: add "py/obj.h" header include
- tinyusb: create common TinyUSB code for reuse by ports
- tinyusb: further refactor static USB device implementation
- tinyusb: fix CDC bNumInterfaces value
- runtime: use mp_printf consistently, instead of printf
- runtime/gchelper: drop cpu directive from ARM asm helpers
- runtime/softtimer: use consistently the same clock source
- runtime/softtimer: fix ticks range when computing ticks diff
- tinyusb: allow max USB descriptor string to be configured
- runtime/pyexec: don't allow Ctrl+C to interrupt frozen boot code
- tinyusb: revert setting of CFG_TUD_CDC_EP_BUFSIZE to 256
- hts221: add HTS221 humidity sensor driver
- lsm9ds1: add LSM9DS1 IMU driver
- lps22h: add LPS22HB/HH pressure sensor driver
- lps22h: use machine.idle for power saving
- ninaw10/nina_wifi_bsp: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER()
- fix a few typos in comments
- cyw43: allow configuring the netif/mDNS hostname
- sdcard: add delay in init_card_v1 to make timeout work
- wiznet5k: remove old Wiznet driver
- cc3000: remove CC3000 WiFi driver files
- display: don't include tests by default
- remove drivers that are now in micropython-lib
- ninaw10: connect to WiFi asynchronously
- bus: detect QSPI transfer errors and pass up to spiflash driver
- bus: change QSPI read_cmd signature to return an error code
- ninaw10: implement machine.Pin external pin controls
- cyw43: use board-defined BLE UART secondary baudrate
- cyw43: use a different baudrate for BT firmware download
- ninaw10: fix machine_pin GPIO read
- cyw43: include CYW43 config file
- ninaw10: add missing external pins 34 and 39
- ninaw10: fix ESP32 input-only pins
- Makefile: respect existing CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
- remove .gitignore file
- include alloca.h for NetBSD
- mpy_cross: add Python wrapper for mpy-cross
- mpy_cross: fix default path to mpy-cross binary
- mpy_cross: add a way to query the mpy version
- mpy_cross: add list of architectures to `__all__`
- mpy_cross: add docstrings to public methods
- main: don't set a default native architecture
- main: add MSVC-compatible architecture checks
- force forward slashes in paths
- main: fix return type of mp_import_stat
- cyw43-driver: add new submodule for CYW43xx WiFi driver
- pico-sdk: update to version 1.4.0
- cyw43-driver: update cyw43-driver to fix ap_auth mode setting
- tinyusb: update to the most recent master
- cyw43-driver: update driver to latest version
- micropython-lib: add micropython-lib as a submodule
- lwip: update lwIP to v2.1.3, tag STABLE-2_1_3_RELEASE
- micropython-lib: update to latest version with manifest changes
- micropython-lib: update submodule to latest
- stm32lib: update library to get L1 v1.10.3, and some other fixes
- micropython-lib: update submodule to latest
- btstack: update to v1.5.3
- micropython-lib: update submodule to latest
- libm: use __asm__ instead of asm
- btstack: update to v1.5.4
- cyw43-driver: update driver to latest version
- re1.5: reduce code size when checking for named class char
- re1.5: add support for named classes in class sets
- micropython-lib: update submodule to latest
- cyw43-driver: update driver to latest version
- pico-sdk: update to version 1.5.0
- cyw43-driver: update driver to latest version v0.9.0
- micropython-lib: update submodule to latest
- stm32lib: update library to get H7 v1.11.0
- cyw43-driver: update driver to latest version v1.0.0
- micropython-lib: update submodule to latest
Support components
- update to use new WLAN argument names for ssid/security/key
- library/pyb.Timer: document `brk` argument and its constants
- library: remove unnecessary "pyb." prefix on class names
- set LaTeX engine to XeLaTeX for PDF generation
- library/machine: add note on interrupts being critical to system
- library/uasyncio: consistently use "uasyncio" instead of "asyncio"
- library/bluetooth: add link to aioble
- library/neopixel: add note that neopixel is included in rp2 builds
- library/time: provide more info about which epoch is used
- library/pyb.Pin: fix out-of-context paragraphs, and AF_PP typo
- library/pyb.Pin: add Pin.ALT constant
- library/pyb.Timer: document how to use BKIN pin with example
- update links for Arm GCC toolchain
- library/rp2: fix pull_thresh docs to use pull instead of push
- esp32: fix string quoting consistency in SDCard mount example
- update CPython differences and improve the look of table layouts
- esp32: update UART quickref on input-only pins
- library/machine.UART: add notes about UART init and deinit
- library: fix nested rst styles not rendering
- library/micropython: fix spelling of compiler
- templates/topindex.html: update forum link
- library/machine.I2C: add a note about I2C pull-up resistors
- library/machine.UART: add docs for uart.flush() and uart.txdone()
- renesas-ra: add pin drive keyword argument description
- Makefile: enable parallel compilation for Sphinx
- templates/layout.html: indicate latest vs release docs
- samd: add documentation for the samd port
- library/machine: add machine.memX to docs with brief example
- samd/pinout: fix the pin numbering for the default assignments
- develop: fix mp_compile snippet to match latest code
- renesas-ra: correct the internal file system size of EK-RA6M2
- library/array: add docs for dunder methods
- library/pyb.CAN: update the recv example to take a 5-tuple
- library/uasyncio: describe restriction on ThreadSafeFlag
- library/framebuf: clarify docs for blit regarding palette
- library/struct: fix buffer argument description
- library/struct: embed format tables
- library/neopixel: update GitHub URL for neopixel.py link
- differences: update Python 3.9 status
- differences: add Python 3.10 page
- rp2: make LED have exactly 50% duty cycle in PIO 1Hz example
- library/rp2.StateMachine: expand put() documentation
- library/socket: use correct sockaddr variable name
- esp32/quickref: add docs for the LAN interface constructor
- library/machine.Timer: add freq argument to machine.Timer
- reference/constrained: add missing heap-dump symbols to mem_info()
- zephyr/quickref: fix zsensor module usage examples
- library/network: update docs for network.country, network.hostname
- update copyright year range to include 2023
- embedding: remove obsolete axtls build target
- usercmodule: add example of a native C class
- embedding: rework example to use ports/embed
- rp2: add comment that examples using IO25 don't work on Pico W
- bluetooth: fix check for _conn_handle being None
- usercmodule/cexample: use mp_obj_malloc()
- bluetooth/ble_temperature_central.py: remove service tuple
- extmod: add heap-lock test for stream writing
- basics: add tests for __name__ and __globals__ attrs on closures
- perf_bench: add some configurations for N=32, M=10
- add an explanation of run-perfbench.py
- fix run-perfbench parsing "no matching params" case
- micropython: add test for builtin execfile() function
- extmod/ussl_basic: make test run on axtls and mbedtls
- cpydiff: fix formatting of code snippet to use double quotes
- run-tests.py: provide better default MPYCROSS value for Windows
- extmod/ubinascii: add tests for bytes.hex etc
- update path to unix micropython executable
- unicode: add test for invalid utf-8 file contents
- renesas-ra: update pin test to support all boards
- extmod/uasyncio_heaplock.py: force SKIP on stackless
- frozen: move frozentest.mpy from ports/ to tests/
- run-multitests: extend usage information
- run-multitests: make paths more deterministic
- allow 'special' tests to output "SKIP" on a single line
- extmod: add test for sleep_ms value that overflows ticks
- run-perfbench: support --heapsize argument and pass to executable
- basics: add exp file for builtin_str_hex test
- run-tests.py: use host arch for mpy-cross for target=unix
- misc: add test for cexample module
- misc/cexample_module: test class presence
- misc/cexample_class: fix timing sensitivity
- extmod/framebuf_scroll: add tests for FrameBuffer scrolling
- unix/mod_os: add test for os module
- extmod/ure_namedclass: add tests for named classes in class sets
- float: skip new complex tests if complex unavailable
- extmod: get DecompIO test running on low-memory targets
- extmod: skip vfs tests if target doesn't have enough memory
- micropython: split viper_misc test into two files
- float: add domain checks for log and also -inf
- float: make output of math function tests more readable
- run-multitests.py: add ability to test instance over reboot
- multi_bluetooth: add bluetooth multi-test for deepsleep
- run-multitests.py: support outputting test metrics
- multi_bluetooth: use multitest.output_metric in BLE perf tests
- extmod/vfs_fat_ilistdir_del.py: use 512-byte erase block size
- multi_bluetooth: use time.sleep_ms instead of time.sleep
- multi_bluetooth/ble_mtu: split peripheral/central-initiated
- multi_bluetooth/ble_subscribe: use end_handle in desc discovery
- multi_bluetooth: add test for descriptors
- multi_bluetooth/ble_characteristic.py: add write-no-response
- multi_bluetooth: use multitest.broadcast instead of sleep
- metrics.py: add mimxrt and renesas-ra to list of available ports
- ci.sh: drop ppa requirement for code formatting CI
- pyboard.py: add verbose option to filesystem_command
- mpremote: don't be verbose when using cat command
- autobuild: add nrf port to autobuild scripts
- ci.sh: initialise submodules for more ports
- ci.sh: force mpy-cross build for samd and teensy
- update path to unix micropython executable
- mpremote: allow + terminator for fs commands
- pyboard.py: add "touch" filesystem command
- mpremote: add "edit" command
- ci.sh: split the stm32 builds for wiznet5k and cc3k
- mpremote: print a nicer error when a filesystem command fails
- pyboard.py: remove implicit fs_put if source starts with ./
- pyboard.py: add fs_cp function for direct device-to-device copy
- mpremote: print nicer errors for unsupported 'cp -r' arguments
- manifestfile.py: add library for working with manifests
- makemanifest.py: update to use mpy_cross module
- manifestfile.py: allow include of directory path
- manifestfile.py: allow require() to specify unix packages
- manifestfile.py: allow manifests to set metadata
- autobuild: use distinct directory for building stm32 variants
- makemanifest.py: force the repo version of the mpy_cross package
- pyboard.py: support Windows pathname separators
- manifestfile.py: add `author` kwarg to metadata()
- manifestfile.py: replace recursive glob with os.walk
- mpremote: simplify dispatch of commands
- mpremote: use argparse for command line parsing
- mpremote: add `mpremote mip install` to install packages
- pyboard.py: handle unsupported fs command
- add note about uncrustify versions
- add pre-commit support
- mpremote: fix argument handling for follow and add help strings
- mpremote: bump version to 0.4.0
- verifygitlog.py: ignore comment lines in commit messages
- verifygitlog.py: add additional help for subject line issues
- mpremote: handle FileNotFound exceptions in listdir
- mpremote: make RemoteFile objects iterable
- makemanifest.py: fix printing of mpy_cross.CrossCompileError
- gen-cpydiff.py: use os.path.join and os.path.isdir
- gendoc.py: remove unused script
- ci.sh: add ARDUINO_NANO_RP2040_CONNECT to rp2 CI build
- ci.sh: remove one build from zephyr CI to speed it up
- ci.sh: don't print python2 version
- mpremote: allow EDITOR environment variable to work on Windows
- mpremote: only auto connect to serial device with USB VID/PID
- autobuild: create .uf2 file for seeed_xiao_nrf52
- pyboard.py: fix Python 2 compatibility
- pyboard.py: add parse kwarg to eval
- pyboard.py: add fs_{listdir,readfile,writefile,stat}
- pyboard.py: set DTR on Windows to avoid ESPxx hard reset
- mpy-tool.py: initialize line_info_top
- ci.sh: install pkg-config for macos builds
- ci.sh: add unix, stm32 and rp2 ports to code size check
- mpremote: use hatch to build mpremote package
- pyboard.py: use '/' exclusively when dealing with paths
- pyboard.py: fix joining of path in filesystem_command
- pyboard.py: fix ESPxx boards hanging in bootloader after reset
- manifestfile.py: add support for publishing packages to PyPI
- mpremote: add ctrl-x as additonal mpremote disconnect shortcut
- ISSUE_TEMPLATE: make minor improvements to placeholder text
- ISSUE_TEMPLATE: replace forum with Discussions
- workflows: print test failures for webassembly workflow
- workflows: bump actions/checkout to v3
- add dependabot to update GitHub Actions
- workflows: bump codecov/codecov-action from 1 to 3
- workflows: bump actions/setup-python from 1 or 2 to 4
- workflows: run unix port workflow if mpy-cross changes
- workflows: use ubuntu-20.04 when python2 is required
- workflows: run mpy-format CI when tests and examples change
- workflows: comment on code size change instead of failing CI
- workflows: fix code size comment workflow for non-PR
- workflows: cancel when branch is updated
- workflows: update existing comments for code_size_comment
- workflows/code_size: print code size change
- workflows: add "shared/**" to list of paths that trigger CI
- workflows: add workflow to build mpremote wheel
- workflows: bump actions/setup-python from 1 to 4
- workflows: bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3
- workflows: bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3
The ports
all ports:
- adapt mimxrt, nrf and rp2 ports to work with latest TinyUSB
- fix a few typos in comments
- remove unused mp_type_{fileio/textio} macros in mpconfigport.h
- always include debug information in the ELF
- always append to GIT_SUBMODULES
- use micropython-lib version of drivers in manifests
- make generated pin.c handling more consistent across ports
- make all network-capable boards use bundle-networking
- make BOARD default from BOARD_DIR in Makefile's
- rename remaining "Micro Python" to "MicroPython"
- fix MCU tags in Arduino board.json files
- implement simple write polling for stdout
bare-arm port: no changes specific to this component/port
cc3200 port:
- mpconfigport: remove mp_const_user_interrupt
- fix various array-based compiler warnings
- mods/pybuart: implement uart.flush() and uart.txdone()
- remove unused NIC type customisation
embed port:
- add new "embed" port which builds a simple C package
- fix arguments to mp_raw_code_load_mem
esp8266 port:
- modnetwork: rename WLAN keyword args to ssid/security/key
- mpconfigport: switch to ROM feature level configuration
- mpconfigport: disable MICROPY_PY_UTIMEQ
- rename WLAN dhcp_hostname config to hostname
- boards: enable reverse-special-methods on GENERIC board
- modnetwork: add support for WLAN.config(protocol=XX) option
- README: update build instructions to match ci.sh
- machine_uart: implement uart.flush() and uart.txdone()
- modmachine: move dht_readinto() to the machine module
- machine_pwm: enable real open drain output on pin driven by PWM
- machine_pin: disable open drain when pin becomes input/output
- modnetwork: add ability to set tx power for WLAN interface
- README: remove notice about port being "experimental"
- use extmod/modnetwork.c instead of port-specific version
esp32 port:
- network_wlan: rename WLAN keyword args to ssid/security/key
- machine_uart: implement the functionality of timeout_char arg
- boards: increase 512 bytes limit on ULP programs to 2040
- modesp32: add wake_on_ulp() so ULP can wake CPU from deepsleep
- network_wlan: don't raise exception when scan returns no results
- rename WLAN dhcp_hostname config to hostname
- modmachine: fix machine.freq to allow maximum 160MHz on ESP32-C3
- mpconfigport: enable BLE synchronous events and pairing/bonding
- Makefile: force micropython-lib as a required submodule
- network_wlan: use esp_wifi_set/get_channel to config wifi channel
- network_wlan: add support to set/get the wifi protocol
- modnetwork: add network.MODE_LR constant
- machine_uart: change sendbreak time to be at least 15 bit times
- machine_timer: support all init arguments in Timer constructor
- boards: merge manifest_release modules into standard manifest
- machine_sdcard: free SPI bus when deiniting SD card
- machine_uart: implement uart.flush() and uart.txdone()
- mphalport: fix calculation of large sleep by using 64-bit arith
- Makefile: add link to build troubleshooting on failure
- modsocket: use mp_obj_is_integer to test port type
- machine_pwm: don't use LEDC_USE_REF_TICK on ESP32-C3 variants
- machine_i2s: add I2S finaliser which calls deinit()
- machine_hw_spi: use auto DMA channel on S2, S3, C3 chips
- rename machine I2C and SPI types consistently across ports
- machine_i2c: fix clocks and timeouts for ESP32-C3, ESP32-S3
- machine_pin: fix size of machine_pin_irq_handler array
- machine_pwm: verify PWM is active when config methods are called
- add 32MiB partition table templates
- usb: add a timeout to usb_tx_strn()
- modmachine: move dht_readinto() to the machine module
- boards/GENERIC_S3_SPIRAM: enable BLE support
- boards/GENERIC_S3_SPIRAM: enable BLE
- machine_timer: fix ESP32C3 timer period doubling
- machine_touchpad: fix TouchPad for ESP32S2, ESP32S3
- main: don't call usocket_events_deinit if unavailable
- usb: cleanup connection detection
- boards/GENERIC_S3_SPIRAM_OCT: add ESP32S3 board with Octal SPIRAM
- network_lan: add support for LAN8710 PHY
- network_lan: support configuration of ETH ref_clk pin
- network_lan: add support for SPI-based ethernet chips
- network_lan: fix setting MAC address of ethernet devices
- network_lan: fix compilation on IDF lower than v4.4
- machine_sdcard: change dma_channel to SPI_DMA_CH_AUTO for ESP32S3
- boards: add board definition for Olimex ESP32 PoE boards
- boards/GENERIC_UNICORE: add board definition for unicore chips
- network_lan: add support for Ethernet PHY KSZ8081
- add a small delay before leaving wlan.active()
- boards/OLIMEX_ESP32_POE: remove id from and update board.json
- Makefile: allow specifying BOARD_DIR on make command line
- use extmod/modnetwork.c instead of port-specific version
- machine_pin: use const for size of machine_pin_irq_handler array
- esp32_rmt: fix looping behaviour for RMT on ESP32-S3
mimxrt port:
- Makefile: refactor Makefile and divide it into sections
- Makefile: modify handling of SDRAM option
- Makefile: modify handling of SDCARD option
- Makefile: rework board flash type handling
- Makefile: rework floating point config
- Makefile: fix some minor formatting inconsistencies
- boards: remove conditional assignment of flash type/size
- machine_uart: implement uart.flush() and uart.txdone()
- machine_uart: drop a few commented lines about TX ring buffer
- format the firmware image to match the new teensy loader
- machine_spi: allow a setting of -1 for cs in the constructor
- machine_uart: set the UART ioctl write poll flag properly
- machine_uart: fix a bug in UART.write()
- Makefile: split up SRC_C variables
- machine_pin: add the Pin.toggle() method
- fix CPU freeze when calling __WFE() in MICROPY_EVENT_POLL_HOOK
- machine_timer: use soft-timer implementation for machine.Timer
- machine_timer: use extmod version of machine.Timer
- mphalport: add a timeout to mp_hal_stdout_tx_strn()
- modmachine: move dht_readinto() to the machine module
- add support for MIMXRT1176 MCUs, and MIMXRT1170_EVK board
- README: add build and flashing instructions
- usb: change macro name MICROPY_HW_USB_STR_MANUF
- network: rename the argument clock_mode to ref_clk_mode
- Makefile: set MPY_CROSS_FLAGS
- mpconfigport: remove config options that are set by default
- machine_rtc: set the microsecond value to 0
- sdcard: fix an error when writing large blocks
- sdcard: remove obsolete code already excluded by preprocessor
- set MICROPY_GC_STACK_ENTRY_TYPE to uint32_t for large RAM
- Makefile: move the FROZEN_MANIFEST setting after board config
- enable ROM text compression
- pendsv: add MICROPY_BOARD_PENDSV_ENTRIES for board customisation
- pendsv: clean up PendSV code
- Makefile: fix internal flash configuration and build
- boards/MIMXRT1064_EVK: fix board config to use internal flash
- mpconfigport: allow configuring different network interfaces
- modmachine: implement machine.bootloader()
- fix the build for boards without ROM API
minimal port:
- Makefile: avoid terminal reset, use BUILD variable
- Makefile: set linker to $(CC)
- increase heap size for Linux builds
nrf port:
- main: add startup and early-init board hook macros
- modmachine: add machine.bootloader() and make it customisable
- enable optional support for Arduino 1200bps touch
- Makefile: drop unused MPY_CROSS and MPY_TOOL variables
- boards/arduino_nano_33_ble: add Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense board
- modmachine: add machine.idle() function
- mpconfigport: remove obsolete module declarations
- drivers/bluetooth: handle PHY_UPDATE messages, used in Bluetooth 5
- drivers/usb: probe for interrupt char in USB CDC task
- drivers/usb: add a tud_cdc_rx_cb() callback to check interrupt char
- mpconfigport: call tud_task() in MICROPY_EVENT_POLL_HOOK
- drivers/usb: fix reading of a single USB CDC character
- boards/arduino_nano_33_ble_sense: update deploy instructions
- main: call usb_cdc_init() before executing boot.py and main.py
- modules/ubluepy: use mp_obj_str_get_data to extract str data
- don't enable debug info by default if LTO is on
- modules/machine/uart: implement uart.flush() and uart.txdone()
- Makefile: split up SRC_C variables
- rename machine I2C, PWM, SPI, UART types consistently across ports
- boards/seeed_xiao_nrf52: add defn for Seeed XIAO NRF52840 Sense
- mpconfigport: enable seeding of the PRNG by the hardware RNG
- Makefile: add support for BOSSAC flasher
- boards/arduino_nano_33_ble_sense: add support for REV-2 chipset
- modules/machine/pwm: add paramter checks and error messages
- modules/machine/pwm: use extmod/machine_pwm.c for PWM module
- modules/machine/soft_pwm: add PWM for nrf51x boards using soft PWM
- modules/machine/pwm: support using all 4 channels of a PWM module
- modules/machine/uart: add timeout keyword options and "any" method
- nrfx_config: use the UARTE definitions and drivers for the NRF52xx
- modules/machine: use a dedicated function for machine.idle()
- modules/machine: support the freq=n argument for machine.I2C
- modules/machine/pwm: fix resource conflict, and change id to device
- nrfx_config: use UARTE for nrf52xxx devices
- modules/machine/uart: prevent UART lock-up after a receive error
pic16bit port:
- pic16bit_mphal: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER()
powerpc port: no changes specific to this component/port
qemu-arm port: no changes specific to this component/port
renesas-ra port:
- modmachine: allow boards to provide custom bootloader code
- machine_i2c: remove unnecessary start/stop dummy functions
- mpconfigport: drop pyb_hid_report_desc root pointer
- softtimer: switch to use softtimer code from shared/runtime
- machine_pin: support drive keyword and fix GPIO setting
- rename machine SPI type consistently across ports
- machine_timer: use extmod version of machine.Timer
- boards: update linker script to detect code flash overflow
- disable debugging option for RA4 to reduce code size
- change file system size to 64KB for RA6M1
- add the UART methods uart.txdone() and uart.flush()
rp2 port:
- modmachine: allow boards to provide custom bootloader code
- boards/ARDUINO_NANO_RP2040_CONNECT: enable Arduino 1200bps touch
- modmachine: implement lightsleep() with optional sleep period
- mpthreadport: ensure core1 doesn't hold gc lock in deinit
- mbedtls: enable some more mbedtls options
- lwip_inc: enable lwIP status callback
- rp2_flash: add asserts for size of flash filesystem partition
- mpnetworkport: convert network task scheduling to use PendSV IRQ
- integrate CYW43xx WiFi driver
- boards/PICO_W: add new Pico W board, an RP2040 with WiFi
- boards/GARATRONIC_PYBSTICK26_RP2040: change pico-sdk board name
- main: set default AP auth mode to WPA2_AES_PSK
- mpconfigport: factor core event handling to EVENT_POLL_HOOK_FAST
- Makefile: regenerate cmake if generated Makefile missing
- CMakeLists: give error if required submodules are missing
- CMakeLists: don't override cyw43-driver unless necessary
- boards/ARDUINO_NANO_RP2040_CONNECT: add urequests module
- run USB stack task exclusively from core 0
- make atomic sections suspend the other core (if active)
- mpconfigport: make networking options consistent across boards
- mphalport: fix missing storage_read_blocks symbol in debug build
- CMakeLists: use armv6m mpy-cross arch for rp2
- mpbthciport: remove mp_bthci_uart from set of root pointers
- cyw43_configport: set CYW43_EVENT_POLL_HOOK value
- cyw43_configport: set CYW43_WIFI_NVRAM_INCLUDE_FILE value
- rp2_pio: fix StateMachine.restart when PIO program is shared
- cyw43_configport: add event hook into cyw43_delay_ms
- Makefile: always use cmake to discover submodules
- mbedtls: enable certificate validity time validation
- machine_spi: add mp_hal_get_spi_obj helper function
- boards/W5500_EVB_PICO: add new board definition for W5500_EVB_PICO
- mark gc_heap NOLOAD for faster boot
- correctly determine path to arm-none-eabi-size
- machine_wdt: check for the maximum timeout value of watchdog
- machine_uart: implement uart.flush() and uart.txdone()
- mbedtls: fix missing time.h include
- rp2_flash: add start/len support to rp2.Flash() constructor
- boards: set PICO_BOARD correctly for each board
- machine_spi: use pico-sdk's default pins for SPI
- machine_i2c: use pico-sdk's default pins for I2C
- boards: remove all I2C,SPI pin defs that already match pico-sdk
- Makefile: add link to build troubleshooting on failure
- Makefile: add support for BOARD_VARIANTS
- boards/WEACTSTUDIO: add WEACTSTUDIO with multiple variants
- fatfs_port: fix the modification date of files
- rename machine I2C type consistently across ports
- mphalport: add a timeout to mp_hal_stdout_tx_strn()
- cyw43_configport: make sure only core0 executes a __WFI()
- modmachine: move dht_readinto() to the machine module
- allow enabling USB device without enabling USB-CDC
- boards/ARDUINO_NANO_RP2040: add more modules and enable MD5 hash
- fix lightsleep to work with interrupts and cyw43 driver
- machine_pwm: use more accurate formulas for freq and duty_u16
- machine_pwm: fix overflows with freq > 268 MHz
- mphalport: change order of pin operations to prevent glitches
- rp2_flash: call MICROPY_EVENT_POLL_HOOK_FAST after reading flash
- machine_pin: refactor the machine.Pin class for external GPIO
- machine_pin: add support for named pins and alternate functions
- boards: add pin CSV files to board definitions
- fix crash in a pin.irq handler
- main: use mp_printf in nlr_jump_fail
- machine_pin: fix configuring OPEN_DRAIN with initial value
- boards/NULLBITS_BIT_C_PRO: add Bit-C PRO board
- rp2_pio: track use of PIO resources and free them on soft reset
- boards/ARDUINO_NANO_RP2040_CONNECT: use default aioble
- mpconfigport: enable os.dupterm and hashlib.sha1 on all boards
- cyw43_configport: specify the chipset firmware include file
- Makefile: allow specifying BOARD_DIR on make command line
- pendsv: add MICROPY_BOARD_PENDSV_ENTRIES for board customisation
- boards/ARDUINO_NANO_RP2040_CONNECT: include "time" in manifest
- boards/ARDUINO_NANO_RP2040_CONNECT: add more external pins
- boards/ARDUINO_NANO_RP2040_CONNECT: include "senml" in manifest
- modrp2: support reading the BOOTSEL button on the Pico board
- modrp2: disable other core, shorten delay to 8us in bootsel_button
- allocate GC heap from unused RAM
- allow disabling USB via MICROPY_HW_ENABLE_USBDEV config
- machine_uart: fix setting of UART LCR parameters
- machine_i2c: add timeout parameter for machine.I2C()
- memmap_mp.ld: allow a board to reserve memory for the C heap
samd port:
- mpconfigport: enable MICROPY_ENABLE_FINALISER when VFS is used
- remove the existing provisional support for REPL on UART
- boards: replace pins.c and pins.h by pins.csv
- boards: move mcu-specific settings into a mpconfig_samdXX.h file
- Makefile: alphabetically sort the source code files in Makefile
- clock_config: set up the clock configuration
- modmachine: allow changing the CPU freq with machine.freq(f)
- mphalport: add pin open-drain funcs, and improve delay and ticks
- samd_isr: extend systick_ms to 64 bit
- machine_pin: add OPEN_DRAIN mode for pins
- machine_pin: allow specifying a pin or LED by its name as a string
- modmachine: enable SoftSPI and SoftI2C
- boards: create pin_af_table.c from pin_af_table_SAMDxx.csv files
- pin_af: add the pin af table and its helper functions
- machine_adc: add the machine.ADC class
- machine_pwm: add the machine.PWM class
- samd_isr: rework the interrupt tables
- machine_pin: add pin.irq() to the machine.Pin class
- modmachine: add disable_irq(), enable_irq() and idle() to machine
- machine_uart: add the machine.UART class
- machine_spi: add the machine.SPI class
- machine_i2c: add the machine.I2C class
- moduos: add uos.dupterm()
- moduos: add uos.urandom() for SAMD51
- main: use the common execution mode of boot.py and main.py
- mpconfigport: enable a few more MicroPython features
- samd_isr: change the way a Sercom ISR is registered and called
- machine_timer: add machine.Timer based on the shared soft-timer
- machine_wdt: add the machine.WDT class
- modsamd: add pininfo() function to the samd module
- machine_led: optimise size of the machine.LED class
- machine_dac: add the machine.DAC class
- modmachine: add machine.time_pulse_us
- mcu: factor out MCU policy for SAMD21 and SAMD51
- mphalport: add a mp_hal_ticks_ms_64() function
- modutime: enable time.time() based on systick_ms()
- machine_uart: support buffered TX for UART
- boards: add missing/lost board config and pin definitions
- mphalport: use CYCCNT for SAMD51's mp_hal_ticks_cpu()
- machine_bitstream: add the machine.bitstream() function
- mpconfigport: restructure to use ROM feature levels
- clock_config: split clock_config.c to separate SAMD21/SAMD51 files
- clock_config: add HW_DFLL_USB_SYNC and HW_MCU_OSC32KULP extensions
- pin_af: simplify the pin-af-table handling
- samd_flash: remove obsolete printf's and return values instead
- Makefile: fix a dependency problem with "make -j"
- mphalport: fix USB endpoint handling ignoring Ctrl-C
- change the symbol names for the peripheral clocks
- mcu: add floating point suport for SAMD21 devices
- mcu: enable the math module on SAMD51
- boards: move the flash filesystem definitions to the linker files
- boards: use the same linker file for all SAMD51x19 variants
- main: initialize readline on start up
- mcu: use lf2s for SAMD51 and lfs1 for SAMD21
- machine_pin: change the printing of Pin and LED objects
- Makefile: split up SRC_C variables
- rename machine I2C type consistently across ports
- clock_config: extend the range of machine.freq()
- clock_config: support changing machine.freq() for SAMD21
- modmachine: add machine.reset_cause()
- boards/SPARKFUN_SAMD51_THING_PLUS: add board files for Thing Plus
- modmachine: add machine.dht_readinto and enable on SAMD51
- mcu/samd51: enable onewire support for SAMD51
- mcu/samd51: enable FAT support for SAMD51
- modmachine: implement machine.lightsleep()
- modmachine: get the bootloader magic address from the lib
- clock_config: document the #defines use in init_clocks()
- machine_uart: implement uart.txdone() and uart.flush()
- mcu: make some settings in mpconfigmcu.h conditional
- machine_rtc: add the machine.RTC class
- clock_config: extend the SAMD51 us-counter to 60 bit
- boards/SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL: declare more pins for SEEED WIO board
- machine_pin: change the pin handling and naming/numbering
- make ADC, DAC, PWM, SPI objects consistent in how they print out
- modmachine: replace the LED class by the Signal class
- boards: rework the pins.csv files
- machine_pwm: serialize fast update of PWM settings
- machine_uart: use a finaliser to tidy up UART on soft reset
- machine_spi: implement spi.deinit() and simplify sercom_deinit_all
- machine_spi: register SerCom objects as root pointers
- modmachine: add machine.softreset()
- machine_timer: use extmod version of machine.Timer
- mcu/samd51: use an additional manifest.py for SAMD51 boards
- README: update README to reflect recent changes to the port
- boards/SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL: enable using the 32kHz crystal
- mphalport: add a timeout to mp_hal_stdout_tx_strn()
- move MCU-specific CFLAGS to mpconfigmcu.mk
- Makefile: set MPY_CROSS_FLAGS
- mpconfigport: support MICROPY_HW_SOFTSPI_MIN_DELAY
- mpconfigport: use __WFE() in MICROPY_EVENT_POLL_HOOK
- avoid under-/overflow in I2C and SPI baudrate calculations
- machine_uart: fix IRQ flag setting and clearing
- machine_uart: simplify machine_uart_any() and machine_uart_read()
- machine_uart: check the UART TX pin assignment
- machine_uart: fix uart.deinit() and save some RAM
- add a vref=num option to the ADC and DAC constructor
- support entering bootloader via USB CDC 1200bps touch
- boards/SEEED_XIAO: rename to SEEED_XIAO_SAMD21
- add Pin.board and Pin.cpu classes to Pin
- boards: clean up comments and some pins in pins.csv files
- mcu: rework the comments in clock_config.c
- mcu: use the FDPLL96M clock for the SAMD21 CPU
- mcu: implement a hardware seed for the SAMD21 random module
- mcu: set the SAMD21 us-counter to 2 MHz for better resolution
- moduos: add uos.urandom() using the phase-jitter rng
- pendsv: add MICROPY_BOARD_PENDSV_ENTRIES for board customisation
- always provide the machine.RTC class
stm32 port:
- modmachine: allow boards to provide custom bootloader code
- modmachine: factor out mboot enter code to a function
- boards/stm32f091xc.ld: allocate space for a small filesystem
- boards/NUCLEO_F091RC: enable LFS1 filesystem
- Makefile: set CSUPEROPT to -Os for F0 and G0 MCUs to save space
- usbd_cdc_interface: add support for Arduino 1200bps touch
- usb: expose USB HID device instance via usbd_hid_get()
- use a separate symbol name for the bootloader state pointer
- Makefile: enable link-time-optimisation via LTO=1 make option
- boards: enable LTO by default on boards with smaller flash size
- Makefile: fix setting of define that enables WIZNET5K driver
- mboot: remove redundant code in mboot_state_change function
- boardctrl: allow boards to override fatal-error handler
- sdram: include boardctrl.h for fatal-error handler
- Makefile: workaround LTO linker order bug in binutils <2.35
- softtimer: switch to use softtimer code from shared/runtime
- boards/LEGO_HUB_NO6: fix typo in README
- boards/LEGO_HUB_NO6: use named pins
- boards/LEGO_HUB_NO6/appupdate: detect filesystem size at runtime
- boards/LEGO_HUB_NO6/spiflash: pick command type at runtime
- boards/LEGO_HUB_NO6/cc2564: make timer configurable
- boards/LEGO_HUB_NO7: add LEGO Hub No. 7 board definition
- boards/NUCLEO_WB55: add error handling to firmware update scripts
- don't enable debug info by default if LTO is on
- switch Wiznet to use lib/wiznet5k and extmod/network_wiznet5k
- add definitions required for lwIP version of Wiznet NIC
- mphalport: add mp_hal_get_spi_obj() helper function
- sdram: enable MPU for unaligned access on H7 MCUs
- boards: increase mboot region to 32k for WB55 boards
- move board variant config to mpconfigboard.mk
- boardctrl: use HAL_Delay instead of mp_hal_delay_ms
- remove support for CC3000 WiFi driver
- machine_uart: implement uart.flush() and uart.txdone()
- boards/LEGO_HUB_NO6: update manifest to new format
- boards: only freeze LCD160CR driver in PYB board firmware
- adc: make ADCAll.read_channel reject invalid channels
- pyb_i2c: fix pyb.I2C to work with dma=True on F4 MCUs
- timer: fix use of timer channel callback() method on L4 MCUs
- boards: add alternate function list for STM32F446RE
- boards/PYB: fix handling of BOARD_VARIANT selection
- make-stmconst.py: support TypeDef's with a single char prefix
- add support for STM32L1 MCUs
- boards/NUCLEO_L152RE: add NUCLEO-L152RE board support
- rename machine I2C and SPI types consistently across ports
- boards/ARDUINO_PORTENTA_H7: revert to single-precision float
- mbedtls: enable mbedtls certificate time validation
- Makefile: allow overriding the default MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE
- boards/ARDUINO_PORTENTA_H7: add custom mbedtls config
- modmachine: move dht_readinto() to the machine module
- spi: downgrade SPIHandle definitions to static
- boards/ARDUINO_PORTENTA_H7: add more modules, I2C1 and SE pin
- usbd_desc: support USB strings on CDC interface descriptors
- Makefile: set MPY_CROSS_FLAGS based on MCU type
- pyb_i2c: fix failing pyb.I2C(dma=True) after receiving 1 byte
- i2c: fix I2C frequency calc so it doesn't exceed requested rate
- adc: fix reading internal ADC channels on L4 MCUs
- adc: fix ADCAll.read_core_temp() on L4 MCUs
- i2c: add hardware I2C implementation for STM32L1
- i2c: add hardware I2C implementation for STM32L4
- mboot: make all mboot sectors erase/write protected
- boards: add missing LPUART macros for H7 HAL
- boards/NUCLEO_F429ZI: enable I2C1 and I2C2 with default pins
- powerctrl: improve standby mode entry code for H7 MCUs
- boards/NUCLEO_F756ZG: add board definition for NUCLEO-F756ZG
- powerctrl: fix build on STM32G0xx and STM32H7Bx MCUs
- boards: consolidate linker snippets to reduce duplication
- Makefile: leave DFU mode after download when using dfu-util
- boards/NUCLEO_H743ZI2: refer to NUCLEO_H743ZI for frozen manifest
- boards/STM32F769DISC: fix building with USE_QSPI_XIP=1
- boards/ARDUINO_PORTENTA_H7: fix macro value check for QSPI
- boards/ARDUINO_PORTENTA_H7: use default aioble
- Makefile: clean up nested if-else to chained if-else-if
- update to use the open-source lib version of cyw43-driver
- boards: update linker scripts now that big_const is gone
- add a default implementation of pyb.country
- cyw43_configport: fix build for boards without an RF switch
- boards/PYBD_SF2: set CYW43 Bluetooth fimrware download baudrate
- cyw43_configport: allow boards to override default resource files
- boards/ARDUINO_PORTENTA_H7: update board config files
- Makefile: include HAL HSEM driver on H747 MCUs
- boards/ARDUINO_NICLA_VISION: add support for Arduino Nicla Vision
- boards/ARDUINO_GIGA: add support for Arduino Giga H7 board
- cyw43_configport: add cyw43_sdio_enable_high_speed_4bit function
- powerctrl: add sleep RCC semaphore management for WB55 MCUs
- powerctrl: disable WB55 BLE before entering deepsleep
- powerctrlboot: provide custom SystemInit for WB55
- powerctrl: don't compile WB helpers on WL MCUs
- boards: include "senml" in manifest for ARDUINO boards
- remove commented-out printf's and debugging code
- main: use mp_printf instead of printf for MPY start-up messages
- i2c: return error code and raise exception if I2C init fails
- spi: return error code and raise exception if SPI init fails
- modmachine: make machine.info print using mp_printf
- extint: make ExtInt.regs print using mp_printf
- pin: make pin_find debug output use mp_printf
- pybthread: make pyb_thread_dump take a printer as its argument
- boards/NUCLEO_H743ZI2: fix MCU tag in board.json file
- mphalport: update HAL version to 1.11.0 to match stm32lib
- add support for STM32H723 MCUs
- boards: add ld and af.csv for H723
- boards/NUCLEO_H723ZG: add new H723 board
- add support for USB on G0 MCUs
- mboot: add support for G0 MCUs
- boards/NUCLEO_G0B1RE: add config for USB and mboot
- boards/ARDUINO_NICLA_VISION: fix incorrect bootloader PID
- flash: fix get_bank function for STM32H750
- cyw43_configport: provide cyw43_hal_pin_config_irq_falling func
teensy port:
- mpconfigport: drop unused root pointers
- teensy_hal: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER()
unix port:
- variants: move setting of MICROPY_PY_USELECT to port config file
- variants: enable remaining options on dev,coverage from ROM extra
- variants/coverage: change config to use ROM level everything
- variants/dev: allow all config options to be overridden
- moduos: include errno.h
- main: restore tty settings on nlr_jump_fail()
- alloc: use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER() for mmap_region_head
- mpconfigport: make MICROPY_EVENT_POLL_HOOK call usleep directly
- mbedtls: add custom config for mbedtls
- mpconfigport: switch ussl from axtls to mbedtls
- Makefile: only include axtls in GIT_SUBMODULES list when enabled
- Makefile: only checkout libffi submodule when used
- mpconfigport: allow overriding MICROPY_EVENT_POLL_HOOK
- enable MICROPY_GC_SPLIT_HEAP on coverage build
- unix_mphal: allow overriding hal time functions
- variants: remove variant suffix from executable filename
- modjni: add missing const qualifier
- remove .gitignore file
- modusocket: support proto and flags arguments to getaddrinfo
- include alloca.h for NetBSD
- mpconfigport: enable MICROPY_ENABLE_FINALISER when VFS is used
- variants: remove freedos and fast variants
- refactor mpconfigport.h and mpconfigvariant.h
- refactor mpconfigvariant.mk
- variants/coverage: add test for manifest freeze_mpy()
- enable sys.executable
- Makefile: don't use _MOD variable names
- modffi: move header includes inside MICROPY_PY_FFI guard
- variants: change mip package to mip-cmdline
- coverage: add extra GC coverage test for ATB gap byte
- moduos: implement 2-arg version of os.getenv()
- Makefile: disable building the shared library of libffi
- main: free pathbuf when there's an error opening a file
webassembly port:
- Makefile: remove obsolete disable of array-bounds warning
- rename this port from 'javascript' to 'webassembly'
- add support for VFS and enable VFS_POSIX
- use Date's now() instead of getTime()
- change "stack" argument to "heapsize"
- support piping in a program on stdin
- dispatch micropython-print via document not mp_js_stdout
- README: update README to describe new stdout behaviour
- Makefile: change compiler optimisation from O3 to Os
- library: make use of CustomEvent detail property
- library: extract and send data to print as UInt8Array
windows port:
- provide a definition for MP_ALWAYSINLINE
- msvc: support compressed ROM text for error messages
- Makefile: update test dependency on $(PROG)
- make project file read-only for IDE
- .gitignore: simplify by removing build artefacts
- msvc: remove variant suffix from executable filename
- msvc: make mpy-cross independent of micropython variant
- msvc: fix qstr generation dependency
- msvc: fix module freezing
zephyr port:
- update include paths to use the zephyr namespace
- upgrade to Zephyr v3.1.0
- machine_uart: use mp_obj_str_get_str to get device name
- boards: add config for bbc_microbit_v2
- mpconfigport: enable MICROPY_ENABLE_FINALISER when VFS is used
- rename machine I2C and SPI types consistently across ports