我在tornado界面下选择菜单“Help”—— >“Manuals index”,出现“Tornado online manuals”界面,在其tag上选择“Index”,输入要查找的内容“tffsDrv”,然后按下“Display”按钮,结果出现错误提示:
标题为“UITclShell Application”,内容为“Error while trying to display htlm help c:/tornado2.2/docs/vxworks/ref/tffsDrv.html#tffsDrv, Unable to execute html browser : couldn't execute "c:program" : no such file or directory”。
if { [catch "exec $htmlBrowser $helpLink &" htmlBrowserStatus] } {
set status {ERROR}
lappend status "Unable to execute html browser : $htmlBrowserStatus"
# the html browser can not be started, erase it to try to reset
# it next time windHelpDisplay is called