Design of Input and Output Couplers for Ku-band 140Watts Spa[复制链接]
Input and output couplers, as shown in Pigs .1&2, have been designed for Ku-band 140 W TWT with minimum reflection and transmission loss over the desired frequency range of 10.9 to 11.7 GHz. The software package Ansoft HFSS version 8.5 was used to simulate the coupler terminated with the actual helix slow wave structure {SWS). The SWS is a tungsten tape helix, which is supported inside the metallic barrel assembly using three rectangular shaped APBN support rods at 120 degrees. The dimensions of the helix SWS are: tape width 0.375mm, tape thickness 0.175nun, helix pitch 0.54mm for input and 0.495mm For output. The barrel diameter is 5.0 mm and support rods are in two steps of width 0.4mm and 0.8mm. Five helix turns were used for simulation, as the results were found consistent with more number of helix turns that leads to more computational time.