小弟的bootloader主要干这么几件事:init(); 初始化硬件,打印一些信息和提供一些操作选项:
0. Program bootloader image
1. Program kernel image
2. Program root-disk image
3. Download kernel and boot from RAM
4. Download kernel and boot with ver 0.1.x bootloader format
5. Boot a ver0.1.x kernel
6. Boot with a different command line
//the page table in 0800 4000 is just temp base page, when init_task's sweaper_page_dir ready,
// the temp page will be useless
// the high 12 bit of virtual address is base table index, so we need 4kx4 = 16k temp base page,
mov r0, r4
mov r3, #0
add r2, r0, #0x4000 @ 16k of page table
1: str r3, [r0], #4 @ Clear page table
str r3, [r0], #4
str r3, [r0], #4
str r3, [r0], #4
teq r0, r2
bne 1b
* Create identity mapping for first MB of kernel.
* This is marked cacheable and bufferable.
* The identity mapping will be removed by
// 由于linux编译的地址是0xC0008000,load的地址是0x08008000,我们需要将虚地址0xC0008000映射到0800800一段
// 页表中的表象为section,AP=11表示任何模式下可访问,domain为0。
add r3, r8, r5 @ mmuflags + start of RAM
//r3=0800 0c1e
add r0, r4, r5, lsr #18
//r0=0800 4200
str r3, [r0] @ identity mapping
//*0800 4200 = 0800 0c1e 0x200表象 对应的是0800 0000 的1m
* Now setup the pagetables for our kernel direct
* mapped region. We round TEXTADDR down to the
* nearest megabyte boundary.
void __init setup_arch(char **cmdline_p)
struct param_struct *params = NULL;
struct machine_desc *mdesc; //arch structure, for your ads, defined in include/arm-asm/mach/arch.h very long
struct meminfo meminfo;
char *from = default_command_line;
#define NR_BANKS 4
//define the systen mem region, not consistent
struct meminfo {
int nr_banks;
unsigned long end;
struct {
unsigned long start;
unsigned long size;
int node;
} bank[NR_BANKS];