process(clk_100,key0_state,key1_state,key2_state,key3_state, key4_state,key5_state,key6_state,key7_state, key8_state,key9_state,key10_state,key11_state, key12_state,key13_state,key14_state,key15_state) variable num : integer range 0 to 3; begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if key0_state='1' and key0_state'event then if num=0 then dout1<=0; num:=num+1; elsif num=1 then dout2<=0; num:=num+1; elsif num=2 then dout3<=0; num:=num+1; end if; elsif key1_state='1' and key1_state'event then if num=0 then dout1<=1; num:=num+1; elsif num=1 then dout2<=1; num:=num+1; elsif num=2 then dout3<=1; num:=num+1; end if; elsif key2_state='1' and key2_state'event then if num=0 then dout1<=2; num:=num+1; elsif num=1 then dout2<=2; num:=num+1; elsif num=2 then dout3<=2; num:=num+1; end if; elsif key3_state='1' and key3_state'event then if num=0 then dout1<=3; num:=num+1; elsif num=1 then dout2<=3; num:=num+1; elsif num=2 then dout3<=3; num:=num+1; end if; elsif key4_state='1' and key4_state'event then if num=0 then dout1<=4; num:=num+1; elsif num=1 then dout2<=4; num:=num+1; elsif num=2 then dout3<=4; num:=num+1; end if; elsif key5_state='1' and key5_state'event then if num=0 then dout1<=5; num:=num+1; elsif num=1 then dout2<=5; num:=num+1; elsif num=2 then dout3<=5; num:=num+1; end if; elsif key6_state='1' and key6_state'event then if num=0 then dout1<=6; num:=num+1; elsif num=1 then dout2<=6; num:=num+1; elsif num=2 then dout3<=6; num:=num+1; end if; elsif key7_state='1' and key7_state'event then if num=0 then dout1<=7; num:=num+1; elsif num=1 then dout2<=7; num:=num+1; elsif num=2 then dout3<=7; num:=num+1; end if; elsif key8_state='1' and key8_state'event then if num=0 then dout1<=8; num:=num+1; elsif num=1 then dout2<=8; num:=num+1; elsif num=2 then dout3<=8; num:=num+1; end if; elsif key9_state='1' and key9_state'event then if num=0 then dout1<=9; num:=num+1; elsif num=1 then dout2<=9; num:=num+1; elsif num=2 then dout3<=9; num:=num+1; end if; elsif key10_state='1' and key10_state'event then confirm<='1'; if num=1 then dout_send<=dout1; elsif num=2 then dout_send<=dout1*10+dout2; elsif num=3 then dout_send<=dout1*100+dout2*10+dout3; end if; num:=0; end if; end if; end process;