活动时间: 即日起——2019年5月31日
PCI Express (PCIe) 是一种高性能通用 I/O 互 连协议,广泛用于各种计算产品和通信产品。 由于时延低、带宽明显要更高,因此业界正 在融合到PCIe,作为高速串行总线标准。 PCIe在NVM Express SSD应用中尤其流行。
1. Market Overview of PCI Express
2. PCI Express Compliance Test Technology Overview
3. PCIe Gen3/Gen4/Gen5 Tx Solution
4. PCIe Gen3/Gen4/Gen5 Rx Solution
5. Link EQ/PLL Solution
6. Q&A
Transmitters are tested with eye diagram analysis but a Receiver Changes Everything
• Can no longer rely on how good the eye looks as a measure of performance…. ….the eye shape only tells how nice the output stage is.
1. PCIe overview
2. Why test receivers
3. Challenges
4. How to address the challenges
5. Solution for Physical Layer test of PCIe Rx
6. Why Tektronix