上海职位(国内知名IC设计公司):视频架构工程师,薪资20-40万,有意者请发送简历至Jessicawu2308@hotmail.comJOB DESCRIPTION:
- Work in the area of video architecture, algorithm, and software development.
- Develop video/image compression/decompression/processing algorithm, including lossy and lossless.
- Build software models for algorithm with C/C++/SystemC, and assist with hardware design and verification.
- Ph.DorMSinsignalprocessing,appliedmathematics,computerscience,electronic engineering and related discipline with good mathematical knowledge.
- Strong experience in algorithms development in one or some of the following signal processing technologies: digital video hardware or software development; image processing/multimedia design; real-time and embedded system design.
- Experienceinsomeofrelatedfields:videocompression;videodecompression; image
compression; image decompression, video processing, image processing, etc.
- Familiar with video codec standards such as MPEG2 / H.264 / HEVC / VP9, etc.
- Strong software skills in C/C++/SystemC.
- Candidates with academic background or ASIC design experience are a big plus to this position.
嘿嘿 顶一下 做davinci架构的 不住地能找这种工作不 那可能不太适合哦:)