ZCC3488/-Q1 Automotive High-Efficiency Controller for Boost, SEPIC and Fly-Ba...
<p align="justify">1 Features 1</p><p align="justify" >• Automotive Grade Product, AEC-Q100 Qualified 8-Lead VSSOP Package</p>
<p align="justify" > Internal Push-Pull Driver With 1-A Peak Current Capability</p>
<p align="justify" >Current Limit and Thermal Shutdown Frequency</p>
<p align="justify" >Compensation Optimized With a Capacitor and a Resistor Internal Soft-Start</p>
<p align="justify" >Current Mode Operation Undervoltage Lockout With Hysteresis •</p>
<p align="justify" >Key Specifications: – – Wide Supply Voltage Range of 2.97 V to 40 V 100-kHz to 1-MHz Adjustable and Synchronizable Clock Frequency ±1.5% (Overtemperature) Internal Reference 5-µA Shutdown Current (Overtemperature – – )</p>
<p align="justify" > Create a Custom Design Using the Z C C 3 4 8 8 withthe WEBENCH Power Designe • r</p>
<p align="justify" >2 Applications</p>
<p align="justify" > </p>
<p align="justify" > Automotive Start-Stop Applications</p>
<p align="justify" > Automotive ADAS Driver Information</p>
<p align="justify" > One Cell/Two Cell Li-ion Battery Powered Portable Bluetooth Audio Systems</p>
<p align="justify" > Notebooks, PDAs, Digital Cameras, and other Portable Applications</p>
<p align="justify" >Offline Power Supplies</p>
<p align="justify" > Set-Top Boxes</p>
<p align="justify" > Boost for Audio Amplifiers</p>
<p align="justify" >3 Description</p>
<p align="justify" > The ZCC3488 is a versatile low-side N-FET highperformance controller for switching regulators. This device is suitable for use in topologies requiring lowe FET, such as boost,flyback,orSEPIC. Moreover, the ZCC3488 can be operated at extremely high switching frequency toreduce the overallsolution size. The switching frequency of ZCC3488canbe adjusted to any value from 100kHz to 1MHz byusing a single external resistor or by synchronizing itto an external clock. Current mode control providessuperior bandwidth and transient response, besidescycle-by-c ycle current limiting. Output current can beprogr ammed with a single external resistor. The ZCC3488 has built-in features such as therm alshutdown, short-circuit protection, and o vervoltage protection.</p>