XX99 发表于 2024-12-3 15:26

ZCC3488/-Q1 Automotive High-Efficiency Controller for Boost, SEPIC and Fly-Ba...

<p align="justify">1&nbsp;Features 1</p>

<p align="justify" >&bull; Automotive Grade Product, AEC-Q100 Qualified 8-Lead VSSOP Package</p>

<p align="justify" >&nbsp;Internal Push-Pull Driver With 1-A Peak Current Capability</p>

<p align="justify" >Current Limit and Thermal Shutdown Frequency</p>

<p align="justify" >Compensation Optimized With a Capacitor and a Resistor Internal Soft-Start</p>

<p align="justify" >Current Mode Operation Undervoltage Lockout With Hysteresis &bull;</p>

<p align="justify" >Key Specifications: &ndash; &ndash; Wide Supply Voltage Range of 2.97 V&nbsp;to 40 V 100-kHz&nbsp;to 1-MHz Adjustable and Synchronizable Clock Frequency &plusmn;1.5% (Overtemperature)&nbsp;Internal Reference 5-&micro;A Shutdown Current (Overtemperature &ndash; &ndash; )</p>

<p align="justify" >&nbsp;Create a Custom Design Using&nbsp;the Z C C 3 4 8 8 withthe WEBENCH Power Designe &bull; r</p>

<p align="justify" >2&nbsp;Applications</p>

<p align="justify" >&nbsp;</p>

<p align="justify" >&nbsp;Automotive Start-Stop Applications</p>

<p align="justify" >&nbsp;Automotive ADAS Driver&nbsp;Information</p>

<p align="justify" >&nbsp;One Cell/Two Cell Li-ion Battery Powered Portable Bluetooth Audio Systems</p>

<p align="justify" >&nbsp;Notebooks, PDAs, Digital Cameras, and other Portable Applications</p>

<p align="justify" >Offline Power Supplies</p>

<p align="justify" >&nbsp;Set-Top Boxes</p>

<p align="justify" >&nbsp;Boost&nbsp;for Audio Amplifiers</p>

<p align="justify" >3&nbsp;Description</p>

<p align="justify" >&nbsp;The&nbsp;ZCC3488&nbsp;is&nbsp;a&nbsp;versatile&nbsp;low-side N-FET&nbsp;highperformance controller&nbsp;for switching&nbsp;regulators. This device&nbsp;is suitable&nbsp;for use&nbsp;in&nbsp;topologies&nbsp;requiring&nbsp;lowe FET, such as boost,flyback,orSEPIC. Moreover,&nbsp;the ZCC3488 can be operated at extremely high switching&nbsp;frequency&nbsp;toreduce the overallsolution size. The switching&nbsp;frequency of ZCC3488canbe adjusted&nbsp;to any value&nbsp;from 100kHz&nbsp;to 1MHz byusing a single external&nbsp;resistor or by synchronizing&nbsp;itto an external clock. Current mode control providessuperior bandwidth and&nbsp;transient&nbsp;response, besidescycle-by-c ycle current&nbsp;limiting. Output current can beprogr ammed with a single external resistor. The ZCC3488&nbsp;has&nbsp;built-in&nbsp;features&nbsp;such&nbsp;as&nbsp;therm alshutdown,&nbsp;short-circuit&nbsp;protection,&nbsp;and o&nbsp;vervoltage protection.</p>
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