<div class='showpostmsg'> 本帖最后由 eew_cT3H5d 于 2024-8-8 08:13 编辑<p>本部分采样滑动变阻器模块的电压,将电压数值打印到电脑上,显示当前采样的电压</p>
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<code>#ifndef _ADC_H
#define _ADC_H
#include "hal_data.h"
void ADC_Init(void);
double Read_ADC_Voltage_Value(void);
<code>#include <ADC/adc.h>
volatile bool scan_complete_flag = false;
void adc_callback(adc_callback_args_t * p_args)
scan_complete_flag = true;
void ADC_Init(void)
fsp_err_t err;
err = R_ADC_Open(&g_adc0_ctrl, &g_adc0_cfg);
err = R_ADC_ScanCfg(&g_adc0_ctrl, &g_adc0_channel_cfg);
assert(FSP_SUCCESS == err);
/* 进行ADC采集,读取ADC数据并转换结果 */
double Read_ADC_Voltage_Value(void)
uint16_t adc_data;
double a0;
while (!scan_complete_flag) //等待转换完成标志
scan_complete_flag = false; //重新清除标志位
/* 读取通道0数据 */
R_ADC_Read(&g_adc0_ctrl, ADC_CHANNEL_0, &adc_data);
/* ADC原始数据转换为电压值(ADC参考电压为3.3V) */
a0 = (double)(adc_data*3.3/4095);
return a0;
* Copyright (c) 2020 - 2024 Renesas Electronics Corporation and/or its affiliates
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "hal_data.h"
#include "debug_uart3.h"
#include "ADC/adc.h"
fsp_err_t err;
void R_BSP_WarmStart(bsp_warm_start_event_t event);
//extern bsp_leds_t g_bsp_leds;
* <a href="home.php?mod=space&uid=159083" target="_blank">@brief </a>Blinky example application
* Blinks all leds at a rate of 1 second using the software delay function provided by the BSP.
void hal_entry (void)
while (1)
printf("HELLO eeworld !\r\n");
printf("a0 = %f\r\n", Read_ADC_Voltage_Value());
R_BSP_SoftwareDelay(1, BSP_DELAY_UNITS_SECONDS); //延时1秒
* This function is called at various points during the startup process.This implementation uses the event that is
* called right before main() to set up the pins.
* @paramevent Where at in the start up process the code is currently at
void R_BSP_WarmStart (bsp_warm_start_event_t event)
if (BSP_WARM_START_RESET == event)
/* Enable reading from data flash. */
/* Would normally have to wait tDSTOP(6us) for data flash recovery. Placing the enable here, before clock and
* C runtime initialization, should negate the need for a delay since the initialization will typically take more than 6us. */
if (BSP_WARM_START_POST_C == event)
/* C runtime environment and system clocks are setup. */
/* Configure pins. */
<p> </p>
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