【FireBeetle 2 ESP32 C6开发板】1、移植nanopb到esp32上
<div class='showpostmsg'> 本帖最后由 walker2048 于 2024-5-13 15:36 编辑### 前言
Google Protocol Buffer( 简称 Protobuf) 是 Google 公司内部的混合语言数据标准,目前已经正在使用的有超过 48,162 种报文格式定义和超过 12,183 个 .proto 文件。他们用于 RPC 系统和持续数据存储系统。
Protocol Buffers 是一种轻便高效的结构化数据存储格式,可以用于结构化数据串行化,或者说序列化。它很适合做数据存储或 RPC 数据交换格式。可用于通讯协议、数据存储等领域的语言无关、平台无关、可扩展的序列化结构数据格式。
#### nanopb简介
#### 一、移植代码
#### 二、添加CMakeList.txt文件
idf_component_register(SRCS "pb_common.c" "pb_decode.c" "pb_encode.c" "simple.c" "simple.pb.c"
#### 三、编译运行
并且封包的数据,使用常规的Protocol Buffer解析程序,也能解析到传输的内容,已经达到了我的目的(最小代码修改情况下,实现小体积和跨平台的数据序列化)。
#### 四、代码分析
// simple.proto
syntax = "proto3";
import "nanopb.proto";
message SimpleMessage {
int32 luckyNumber = 1;
int32 unluckyNumber = 2;
string ip = 3[(nanopb).max_length = 16];
message SimpleStruct {
repeated SimpleMessage msg =1;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pb_encode.h>
#include <pb_decode.h>
#include "simple.pb.h"
typedef struct {
SimpleMessage message;
int32_t num;
} MsgList;
void MsgListAddMsg(MsgList* list, int32_t lucky, int32_t unlucky, char* str){
if(list->num < 12){
list->message.luckyNumber = lucky;
list->message.unluckyNumber = unlucky;
strcpy(list->message.ip, str);
bool MsgList_encode(pb_ostream_t *ostream, const pb_field_t *field, void * const *arg)
MsgList* source = (MsgList*)(*arg);
// encode all numbers
for (int i = 0; i < source->num; i++)
if (!pb_encode_tag_for_field(ostream, field))
const char * error = PB_GET_ERROR(ostream);
printf("SimpleMessage_encode_numbers error: %s", error);
return false;
if (!pb_encode_submessage(ostream, SimpleMessage_fields, &source->message))
const char * error = PB_GET_ERROR(ostream);
printf("SimpleMessage_encode_numbers error: %s", error);
return false;
return true;
bool MsgList_decode_single_message(pb_istream_t *istream, const pb_field_t *field, void **arg)
MsgList * dest = (MsgList*)(*arg);
SimpleMessage msg = SimpleMessage_init_zero;
if (istream != NULL && field->tag == SimpleStruct_msg_tag)
if (!pb_decode(istream, SimpleMessage_fields, &msg))
const char * error = PB_GET_ERROR(istream);
printf("MsgList decode single_message error: %s", error);
return false;
memcpy(&dest->message, &msg, sizeof(msg));
printf("Your lucky number was %ld, unlucky is %ld, ip is %s!\n", msg.luckyNumber, msg.unluckyNumber, msg.ip);
return true;
int pbtest()
/* This is the buffer where we will store our message. */
uint8_t buffer;
size_t message_length;
bool status;
/* Encode our message */
/* Allocate space on the stack to store the message data.
* Nanopb generates simple struct definitions for all the messages.
* - check out the contents of simple.pb.h!
* It is a good idea to always initialize your structures
* so that you do not have garbage data from RAM in there.
SimpleStruct stu = SimpleStruct_init_zero;
/* Create a stream that will write to our buffer. */
pb_ostream_t stream = pb_ostream_from_buffer(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
/* Fill in the lucky number */
MsgList list = {};
MsgListAddMsg(&list, 14, 3, "");
MsgListAddMsg(&list, 18, 31, "");
MsgListAddMsg(&list, 31, 40, "");
MsgListAddMsg(&list, 42, 12, "");
MsgListAddMsg(&list, 25, 51, "");
for(int i=0; i< list.num; i++){
printf("lucky number was %ld, unlucky is %ld, ip is %s!\n", list.message.luckyNumber, list.message.unluckyNumber, list.message.ip);
stu.msg.arg = &list;
stu.msg.funcs.encode = MsgList_encode;
/* Now we are ready to encode the message! */
status = pb_encode(&stream, SimpleStruct_fields, &stu);
message_length = stream.bytes_written;
/* Then just check for any errors.. */
if (!status)
printf("Encoding failed: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
return 1;
/* Now we could transmit the message over network, store it in a file or
* wrap it to a pigeon's leg.
/* But because we are lazy, we will just decode it immediately. */
/* Allocate space for the decoded message. */
SimpleStruct stu = SimpleStruct_init_zero;
MsgList newlist = {};
stu.msg.arg = &newlist;
stu.msg.funcs.decode = MsgList_decode_single_message;
/* Create a stream that reads from the buffer. */
pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer(buffer, message_length);
printf("Encoded length is %d\n", message_length);
for(int i = 0; i < message_length; i++){
printf("%02x", buffer);
printf("\nEnd of buffer\n");
/* Now we are ready to decode the message. */
status = pb_decode(&stream, SimpleStruct_fields, &stu);
/* Check for errors... */
if (!status)
printf("Decoding failed: %s\n", PB_GET_ERROR(&stream));
return 1;
return 0;
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