manhuami2007 发表于 2023-9-2 11:02

[ST NUCLEO-WBA52CG] 7 - 在BLE协议栈的后台处理函数中添加自己的代码

<div class='showpostmsg'><p>前面测评的时候,提到了BLE的协议栈是使用sequencer来实现后台任务的管理的,除了sequence以外还提供了定时器函数。因此如果我们想添加自己的任务时,就需要借助sequence或者Tim_serv了。</p>





* @brief This function registers a task in the sequencer.


* @param TaskId_bm The Id of the task

* @param Flags Flags are reserved param for future use

* @param Task Reference of the function to be executed


* @note It may be called from an ISR.



void UTIL_SEQ_RegTask( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t TaskId_bm, uint32_t Flags, void (*Task)( void ) );</code></pre>



* @brief This function requests a task to be executed


* @param TaskId_bm The Id of the task

* It shall be (1&lt;&lt;task_id) where task_id is the number assigned when the task has been registered

* @param Task_Prio The priority of the task

* It shall a number from 0 (high priority) to 31 (low priority)

* The priority is checked each time the sequencer needs to select a new task to execute

* It does not permit to preempt a running task with lower priority


* @note It may be called from an ISR



void UTIL_SEQ_SetTask( UTIL_SEQ_bm_t TaskId_bm , uint32_t Task_Prio );</code></pre>



<p>使用tim_serv时,首先需要创建 UTIL_TIMER_Create(),然后调用开始函数UTIL_TIMER_Start()或者UTIL_TIMER_StartWithPeriod()。这个库里还包括其它的控制或者设置函数。</p>


<code>UTIL_TIMER_Object_t led_timer_ob; //创建tim_serv的句柄

void blue_led_toggle(void *parameter) //定时执行的任务


HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(Blue_Led_GPIO_Port, Blue_Led_Pin);


//在void APP_BLE_Init(void)函数中添加以下代码



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lugl4313820 发表于 2023-9-2 11:23

<p>使用tim_serv时,首先需要创建 UTIL_TIMER_Create(),然后调用开始函数UTIL_TIMER_Start()或者UTIL_TIMER_StartWithPeriod()。这个库里还包括其它的控制或者设置函数。</p>

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