【超低功耗STM32U5 IoT探索套件】牛刀小试
<div class='showpostmsg'><p></p><p>开发板硬件:功能图 6层PCB设计,开源,YYDS</p>
<p>主控芯片为:STM32U585微控制器采用运行于160 MHz的Arm® Cortex®‐M33处理器内核,支持面向Armv8-M架构、DSP和浮点单元(FPU)的TrustZone®技术,扩展了STM32超低功耗产品系列及其性能。STM32U585除了提供2 MB 片内Flash存储器,还提供了额外的硬件加密加速引擎(AES、PKA和OTFDEC)。</p>
<p><em>Tera</em> <em>Term</em>是来自国外的一款界面简洁,功能实用的串口调试工具。它是Microsoft Windows的终端仿真器,支持串行端口,远程登录和SSH连接,内置的宏脚本语言。</p>
<code>STM32U585-DISCOVERY, MB1551 REV C
Test Software Build: Mar 30 2021 15:16:53
Device ID : 0x00000482
Revision : 0x00002000
Unique ID : 004F0020-35365004-2034314B
SysClock= 160.00Mhz
Test status loaded.
Flashed VrefInt raw value: 65535
Uncalibrated VrefInt in flash: 52799mV
-> Using typical VrefInt value: 1210mV
VREFINT Channel value from ADC: 1497
Actual VREF: 3310mV
<Press any key> to launch "Production" tests or press <M> to select Menu
==> Launch Menu mode !
=== Overall test status : Remain(8) - Pass(17) - Fail(0) ===
## STM32U585-DISCOVERY Test Software
## MB1551 REV C
## Build: Mar 30 2021 15:17:00
VDD: 3310mV
Please select one of the following test :
[ 0 ] Launch the complete sequence of tests
[ 1 ] Reset status
[ 2 ] { OK } ST-LINK LED
[ 3 ] { OK } User LEDs
[ 4 ] { OK } User Button
[ 5 ] { OK } Boot0
[ 6 ] { OK } 32K XTAL
[ 7 ] { OK } Bluetooth
[ 8 ] { OK } Wifi
[ 9 ] { OK } USB HID (Keyboard)
[ A ] { OK } Reset button
[ B ] { OK } Arduino
[ C ] { OK } Arduino Reset
[ D ] { OK } Octo SPI Flash
[ E ] { OK } Octo SPI Ram
[ F ] { OK } Sensors ping
[ G ] { OK } STMOD I/Os
[ H ] { OK } PMOD I/Os
[ I ] { OK } Digital Microphones
[ \ ]Switch in Validation Menu
Choice ></code></pre>
<p>尝试STM32CubeProgrammer,但是不识别STLINK,下一步进行Keil或者IAR 编程测试。</p>
<p> </p>
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<p> </p>
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<p> </p>
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