mars4zhu 发表于 2021-7-10 15:34




<p><strong>An update for Bluetooth IoT Development Kit CMSIS Pack has been released</strong></p>

<p>Dear Valued Customer,</p>

<p>Thank you for your previous download of ON Semiconductor&#39;s Bluetooth IoT Development Kit CMSIS Pack</p>

<p>We wanted to let you know that an update for Bluetooth IoT Development Kit CMSIS Pack has been released. You can download it <a href=";docId=1169650">here:</a></p>

<p>Thank you,<br />
ON Semiconductor</p>





<p> - UNRELEASED</p>


        <li>New&nbsp;sense_demo_tag_peripheral_server&nbsp;example for RSL10-SENSE-GEVB acting as the connectable peripheral server. With option to switch to FOTA mode remotely and device and firmare information.</li>


        <li>Change name of&nbsp;sense_example_broadcaster&nbsp;example to&nbsp;sense_demo_tag_broadcaster&nbsp;all functionality was preserved.</li>


Jacktang 发表于 2021-7-11 09:02


w494143467 发表于 2021-7-12 11:58


dql2016 发表于 2021-7-15 19:14

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 固件开发包升级了,ONSemiconductor.BDK.1.18.0.pack