<p>最近在学数字信号处理方面的理论知识,之前看的是读书时的教材,虽然原来学过一遍,看得还是很艰难,通篇都是数学推导,这也许是国内教材的一个通病。我一度都怀疑是自己不适合学这个内容。直到我看到这本书:The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing。浅显易懂,物理意义很清晰,非常适合像我这种不是专业从事信号处理工作的人,是入门的好书。虽然是英文版,但读起来并不费力。特别是,这是一本开源的图书,在作者主页上可以免费下载,网址为:<br />http://www.dspguide.com/pdfbook.htm<br />
PDF的版本我也有。<br />
我节选了绪论当中的两段内容,当我看到这里的时候,我就知道,这就是我现在需要的书:<br />
Today,DSP is a basic skill needed by scientists and engineers in many fields. Unfortunately, DSP education has been slow to adapt to this change. Nearly all DSP textbooks are still written in the traditional electrical engineering style of detailed and rigorous mathematics. DSP is incredibly powerful, but if you can't understand it, you can't use it!<br />
Suppose you encounter a DSP problem, and turn to textbooks or other publications to find a solution. What you will typically find is page after page of equations, obscure mathematical symbols, and unfamiliar terminology. It's a nightmare! Much of the DSP literature is baffling even to those experienced in the field. It's not that there is anything wrong with this material, it is just intended for a very specialized audience. State-of-the-art researchers need this kind of detailed mathematics to understand the theoretical implications of the work.</p>
好东西!!! <p>好东西一枚,非常感谢分享,楼主辛苦了,谢谢。</p>
<p>无法下载了。有pdf分享码? 顶一下。。。。。</p>
<p><img height="48" src="https://bbs.eeworld.com.cn/static/editor/plugins/hkemoji/sticker/facebook/smile.gif" width="48" /></p>
<p>好东西,谢谢!如果有中文就更好了<img height="48" src="https://bbs.eeworld.com.cn/static/editor/plugins/hkemoji/sticker/facebook/congra.gif" width="48" /></p>