28377d,Fapi_StatusType Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress()使用问题
请教各位,F021中的函数 extern Fapi_StatusType Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(
Fapi_FlashStateCommandsType oCommand,
uint32 *pu32StartAddress
); 在使用时有何要注意的,为什么,我一执行这个函数,擦除一个sector,就会导致芯片复位呢~~~ 问题说明:将Flash用来实现设备参数掉电保存,待保存参数按顺序写入目标Flash sector中,本次写入不覆盖上次写入的区域,当本sector不足时,将sector擦除,从头开始写。现在的问题是,只要一执行erase操作,芯片就复位,programme写入操作却没有问题,请知情者协助~~
void InitFlash(void)
// Set VREADST to the proper value for the flash banks to power up
// properly. This sets the bank power up delay.
Flash0CtrlRegs.FBAC.bit.VREADST = 0x14;
// At reset bank and pump are in sleep. A Flash access will power up the
// bank and pump automatically.
// After a Flash access, bank and pump go to low power mode (configurable
// in FBFALLBACK/FPAC1 registers) if there is no further access to flash.
// Power up Flash bank and pump. This also sets the fall back mode of
// flash and pump as active.
Flash0CtrlRegs.FPAC1.bit.PMPPWR = 0x1;
Flash0CtrlRegs.FBFALLBACK.bit.BNKPWR0 = 0x3;
// Disable Cache and prefetch mechanism before changing wait states
Flash0CtrlRegs.FRD_INTF_CTRL.bit.DATA_CACHE_EN = 0;
Flash0CtrlRegs.FRD_INTF_CTRL.bit.PREFETCH_EN = 0;
// Set waitstates according to frequency
// Minimum waitstates required for the flash operating at a given CPU rate
// must be characterized by TI. Refer to the datasheet for the latest
// information.
#if CPU_FRQ_200MHZ
Flash0CtrlRegs.FRDCNTL.bit.RWAIT = 0x3;
#if CPU_FRQ_150MHZ
Flash0CtrlRegs.FRDCNTL.bit.RWAIT = 0x2;
#if CPU_FRQ_120MHZ
Flash0CtrlRegs.FRDCNTL.bit.RWAIT = 0x2;
// Enable Cache and prefetch mechanism to improve performance of code
// executed from Flash.
Flash0CtrlRegs.FRD_INTF_CTRL.bit.DATA_CACHE_EN = 1;
Flash0CtrlRegs.FRD_INTF_CTRL.bit.PREFETCH_EN = 1;
// At reset, ECC is enabled. If it is disabled by application software and
// if application again wants to enable ECC.
Flash0EccRegs.ECC_ENABLE.bit.ENABLE = 0xA;
// Force a pipeline flush to ensure that the write to the last register
// configured occurs before returning.
__asm(" RPT #7 || NOP");
// SeizeFlashPump - Wait until the flash pump is available. Then take control
// of it using the flash pump Semaphore.
void SeizeFlashPump(void)
#ifdef CPU1
while (FlashPumpSemaphoreRegs.PUMPREQUEST.bit.PUMP_OWNERSHIP != 0x2)
FlashPumpSemaphoreRegs.PUMPREQUEST.all = IPC_PUMP_KEY | 0x2;
#elif defined(CPU2)
while (FlashPumpSemaphoreRegs.PUMPREQUEST.bit.PUMP_OWNERSHIP != 0x1)
FlashPumpSemaphoreRegs.PUMPREQUEST.all = IPC_PUMP_KEY | 0x1;
// Init_Flash_Sectors - Initialize flash API and active flash bank sectors
void Init_Flash_Sectors(void)
Flash0EccRegs.ECC_ENABLE.bit.ENABLE = 0x0;
Fapi_StatusType oReturnCheck;
// This function is required to initialize the Flash API based on System
// frequency before any other Flash API operation can be performed
oReturnCheck = Fapi_initializeAPI(F021_CPU0_BASE_ADDRESS, 200);
if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success)
// Fapi_setActiveFlashBank function sets the Flash bank and FMC for further
// Flash operations to be performed on the bank
oReturnCheck = Fapi_setActiveFlashBank(Fapi_FlashBank0);
if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success)
Flash0EccRegs.ECC_ENABLE.bit.ENABLE = 0xA;
#pragma CODE_SECTION(StoreData2Flash, ramFuncSection);
int StoreData2Flash(Uint16 *start, Uint32 size, Uint16 sector)
//1. declare the variables used for programming flash
Fapi_StatusType oReturnCheck = 0;// Status structure
Fapi_FlashStatusWordType oFlashStatusWord;
volatile Fapi_FlashStatusType oFlashStatus;
uint32 u32Index = 0;
uint16 i = 0;
Uint32 lTemp;
Uint32 lSectorAddr;
uint32 *Buffer32 = (uint32 *)start;
DINT; // disable global interrupt
//2. check if the sector storing data record is full. if yes then erase the sector
case SECTORK: lSectorAddr = Bzero_SectorK_start; break;
case SECTORL: lSectorAddr = Bzero_SectorL_start; break;
case SECTORM: lSectorAddr = Bzero_SectorM_start; break;
case SECTORN: lSectorAddr = Bzero_SectorN_start; break;
return 1;
lTemp = lSectorAddr;
// search for the most recent data ration record in flash
while(*(unsigned long*)lTemp != 0xFFFFFFFF) // the value at lTemp is not 0xFFFFFFFF which means the location at lTemp is not programmed with some value
lTemp += size;
if(lSectorAddr + 0x2000 - lTemp < size) // if the flash is full, erase the sector
// Erase Sector
oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueAsyncCommandWithAddress(Fapi_EraseSector,(uint32 *)lSectorAddr);
// Wait until FSM is done with erase sector operation
while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() != Fapi_Status_FsmReady){}
// Verify that SectorL is erased. The Erase step itself does a
// verify as it goes. This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.
oReturnCheck = Fapi_doBlankCheck((uint32 *)lSectorAddr,Bzero_16KSector_u32length,&oFlashStatusWord);
if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success)
return 1;
lTemp = lSectorAddr;
//3. program the data record to flash
for(i=0, u32Index = lTemp;
(u32Index < (lTemp + size)) &&
(oReturnCheck == Fapi_Status_Success); i+= 8, u32Index+= 8)
oReturnCheck = Fapi_issueProgrammingCommand((uint32 *)u32Index,start+i,
while(Fapi_checkFsmForReady() == Fapi_Status_FsmBusy);
if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success)
// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors
return 1;
// Read FMSTAT register contents to know the status of FSM after
// program command for any debug
oFlashStatus = Fapi_getFsmStatus();
// Verify the values programmed. The Program step itself does a verify
// as it goes. This verify is a 2nd verification that can be done.
oReturnCheck = Fapi_doVerify((uint32 *)u32Index,
4, Buffer32+(i/2),
if(oReturnCheck != Fapi_Status_Success)
// Check Flash API documentation for possible errors
return 1;
return 0;