






职位空缺,全球十大半导体公司之一 [复制链接]

Senior Staff/ Staff/ Senior Test Engineer, COM Group
 Job Description:
  Test program development for complex digital SoCs and MCMs.

n       Definition of test concept, work out test specification, generate test pattern (interface with IC System Design engineers).

n       Create test program and test hardware incl. evaluation, debugging, optimization and production transfer.

n       Define and realize test cost ratios and transfer of test package to other test platforms.

n       Maintain test package during ramp-up and volume production.

n       Cooperate with circuit designers, product engineering, and technology engineers regarding test evaluation, analysis and debugging of first silicon and redesigns.

n       Product failure analysis and debugging on test system.
Team leader responsibility for group of 3-4 engineers

Principal/Senior Staff/ Staff/senior product engineer

Job Description:

 Product responsibility after release for delivery to customer

n       Technical interface for the production sites during volume production (incl. product transfers)

n       Product analysis and optimization

n       Product characterization / ensure manufacturability

n       Definition of yield roadmap, drive yield roadmap target fulfilment

n       Yield stabilization / optimization during ramp-up

n       Yield monitoring and optimization during volume production

n       Electrical analysis of customer rejects and production problems

n       Implementation of cost reduction / ratio projects (yield, test cost)

如果大家有意向,可以将个人资料发到 cindymeik@gmail.com


2005年全球10大半导体公司排行榜 1 Intel 358亿 2 Samsung 171亿 3 Texas Instruments 111亿 4 Toshiba 94亿 5 STMicroelectronics 89亿 6 Infineon 83.8亿 7 Renesas 83.7亿 8 Philips 57.14亿 9 AMD 57.11亿 10 NEC 57.10亿 有以下职位…… Communication Group: 通讯事业部 Principal/Senior Staff/ Staff/ Senior Test Engineer, COM Group IC测试总/高级主管/主管/高级工程师 Principal/Senior Staff/ Staff/ Senior Product Engineer, COM Group IC产品总/高级主管/主管/高级工程师 Automotive, Industrial and Multimarket Group: 汽车电子与多元市场事业部 Team Leader IC Verification, AIM MC Group IC验证主管 Principal/Senior Staff/Staff Test Engineer   IC测试总/高级主管/主管工程师 Principal/Senior Staff/Staff IC Design Engineers (Team Leader/Design Manager) IC设计总/高级主管/主管/高级工程师(IC设计主管)Project Manager MCU Development   要求: Principal/Senior Staff/ Staff/ Senior Test Engineer, COM Group Requirements: Masters/Bachelor抯 Degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering or in related field At least 5 years(Bachelor) design experience(skills mentioned above) Tools skills: General tools (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Acrobat, etc) Experience with Teradyne or other Automated Test Equipment (ATE) Knowledge of DFT / DfM / DfA VHDL/Verilog knowledge is an advantage Ability to speak and write English is a must. Self-motivated team player and able to work with minimum supervision Good interpersonal and communication skills Principal/Senior Staff/ Staff/ Senior Product Engineer, COM Group Requirements: ? Masters/Bachelor抯 Degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering or in related field At least 5 years experience (skills mentioned above) Prior experience in area of test engineering, wafer process / integration engineering, or IC design engineering is an advantage Tools skills: General tools (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Acrobat, etc) Statistical analysis tools (Cornerstone, etc) Knowledge of DFT / DfM / DfA / Semiconductor manufacturing process Ability to speak and write English is a must. Self-motivated team player and able to work with minimum supervision and under stress Perseverance and persistence to achieve assigned goals and objectives Good interpersonal and communication skills   详情 回复 发表于 2006-7-13 19:43
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Re: 职位空缺,全球十大半导体公司之一









Re: 职位空缺,全球十大半导体公司之一

2005年全球10大半导体公司排行榜 1 Intel 358亿 2 Samsung 171亿 3 Texas Instruments 111亿 4 Toshiba 94亿 5 STMicroelectronics 89亿 6 Infineon 83.8亿 7 Renesas 83.7亿 8 Philips 57.14亿 9 AMD 57.11亿 10 NEC 57.10亿 有以下职位…… Communication Group: 通讯事业部 Principal/Senior Staff/ Staff/ Senior Test Engineer, COM Group IC测试总/高级主管/主管/高级工程师 Principal/Senior Staff/ Staff/ Senior Product Engineer, COM Group IC产品总/高级主管/主管/高级工程师 Automotive, Industrial and Multimarket Group: 汽车电子与多元市场事业部 Team Leader IC Verification, AIM MC Group IC验证主管 Principal/Senior Staff/Staff Test Engineer IC测试总/高级主管/主管工程师 Principal/Senior Staff/Staff IC Design Engineers (Team Leader/Design Manager) IC设计总/高级主管/主管/高级工程师(IC设计主管)Project Manager MCU Development 要求: Principal/Senior Staff/ Staff/ Senior Test Engineer, COM Group Requirements: Masters/Bachelor抯 Degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering or in related field At least 5 years(Bachelor) design experience(skills mentioned above) Tools skills: General tools (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Acrobat, etc) Experience with Teradyne or other Automated Test Equipment (ATE) Knowledge of DFT / DfM / DfA VHDL/Verilog knowledge is an advantage Ability to speak and write English is a must. Self-motivated team player and able to work with minimum supervision Good interpersonal and communication skills Principal/Senior Staff/ Staff/ Senior Product Engineer, COM Group Requirements: ? Masters/Bachelor抯 Degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering or in related field At least 5 years experience (skills mentioned above) Prior experience in area of test engineering, wafer process / integration engineering, or IC design engineering is an advantage Tools skills: General tools (PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Acrobat, etc) Statistical analysis tools (Cornerstone, etc) Knowledge of DFT / DfM / DfA / Semiconductor manufacturing process Ability to speak and write English is a must. Self-motivated team player and able to work with minimum supervision and under stress Perseverance and persistence to achieve assigned goals and objectives Good interpersonal and communication skills

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