通过USB下载的NK,第1次是怎么烧到NAND FLASH,OEMLanuch( )函数调到了WriteOSImageToBootMedia( )函数,但看CE50下2440的BSP源代码第1次应该不会到OEMLanuch( )函数的.因为在BootloaderMain (void)函数里面有这样的代码:
// (4) call OEM specific pre-download function
switch (dwAction = OEMPreDownload ())
// (5) download image
if (!DownloadImage (&dwImageStart, &dwImageLength, &dwLaunchAddr))
// error already reported in DownloadImage
bDownloaded = TRUE;
// Check for pTOC signature ("CECE") here, after image in place
if (*(LPDWORD) OEMMapMemAddr (dwImageStart, dwImageStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET) == ROM_SIGNATURE)
dwpToc = *(LPDWORD) OEMMapMemAddr (dwImageStart, dwImageStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET + sizeof(ULONG));
// need to map the content again since the pointer is going to be in a fixup address
dwpToc = (DWORD) OEMMapMemAddr (dwImageStart, dwpToc + g_dwROMOffset);
EdbgOutputDebugString ("ROMHDR at Address %Xh\r\n", dwImageStart + ROM_SIGNATURE_OFFSET + sizeof (DWORD)); // right after signature
// fall through
case BL_JUMP:
// Before jumping to the image, optionally check the image signature.
// NOTE: if we haven't downloaded the image by now, we assume that it'll be loaded from local storage in OEMLaunch (or it
// already resides in RAM from an earlier download), and in this case, the image start address might be 0. This means
// that the image signature routine will need to find the image in storage or in RAM to validate it. Since the OEM"s
// OEMLaunch function will need to do this anyways, we trust that it's within their abilities to do it here.
if (g_bBINDownload && g_pOEMCheckSignature)
if (!g_pOEMCheckSignature(dwImageStart, g_dwROMOffset, dwLaunchAddr, bDownloaded))
// (5) final call to launch the image. never returned
OEMLaunch (dwImageStart, dwImageLength, dwLaunchAddr, (const ROMHDR *)dwpToc);
// should never return
// fall through
// ERROR! spin forever
第1次怎么也进不了 case BL_JUMP:分支的,那OEMLaunch函数应该也就不会被调到,所以不会有把NK写到NAND FLASH的操作,那第1次下的NK是怎么写到NAND FLASH的呢?有知道这个逻辑的吗?