Do_card_lock: failed - item 3 already in use, type 0 Windriver[复制链接]
我在用Windriver9.21 试图用向导来写一个PCI 的memory空间读写程序,出现Do_card_lock: failed - item 3 already in use, type 0 的问题,请问这是什么回事?
还有我是在WINDOWS XP,没有装DDK,如果不装DDK的话会有什么影响?
device_tree::init: entered
device_tree_windows::build: root node found
device_tree_windows::build: node created
device_tree_windows::build: branch built
win_dev_manager_scan::get: PCMCIA devices not found (0xd)
device_tree_windows::build: scanned
WDC_PciScanDevices entered
Do_pci_scan: entered, search VID 0, search DID 0, options 0
Do_pci_scan: found 17 cards
PciScanDevices: PCI bus scanned successfully.
Found 17 matching cards (vendor ID 0x0, device ID 0x0)
device_tree::init: done
WDC_PciScanDevices entered
Do_pci_scan: entered, search VID 8086, search DID 27da, options 0
Do_pci_scan: found 1 cards
PciScanDevices: PCI bus scanned successfully.
Found 1 matching cards (vendor ID 0x8086, device ID 0x27da)
Do_pci_card: entered 0.31.3
pci_get_supported_interrupt_types: Line based interrupts found
pci_read_resources: hdr type 0
Do_pci_card: found 2 items
Do_pci_scan: entered, search VID 0, search DID 0, options 0
Do_pci_scan: found 17 cards
Do_card_lock: entered
Do_card_lock: target bus [5] specified
Table_add (card): new handle 1
pci_register_card: registering PCI on 0.31.3
Do_card_lock: item 1, interrupt 10
Do_install_irq: entered, hCard=1
Table_add (irq): new handle 2
Do_install_irq: level 0xa, vector 0x0, affinity 0x0
Do_install_irq: success, hInterrupt 2
Do_card_lock: item 2, bar 4, io range 18e0-18ff
Do_card_lock: success, hCard=1
KP_Open: entered
Table_add (kerplug): new handle 1
KP_OpenDriver: entered, name KP_PCI
KP_OpenDriver: cannot get device handle, status 0xc0000034
KP_Open: failed opening kernel plugin driver
Table_remove_general (kerplug): removed handle 1
Do_card_unlock: entered, hCard 1, last 1
Card_close_handle: hCard 1
Card_close_handle: un-registering item 1 interrupt 10
Irq_close_handle: entered, hInterrupt 2
Irq_disable: received 0 interrupts called 0 dpc Lost count 0
Table_remove_general (irq): removed handle 2
Card_close_handle: success
Table_remove_general (card): removed handle 1
Do_pci_scan: entered, search VID 0, search DID 0, options 0
Do_pci_scan: found 17 cards
Do_card_lock: entered
Do_card_lock: target bus [5] specified
Table_add (card): new handle 1
pci_register_card: registering PCI on 0.31.3
Do_card_lock: item 1, interrupt 10
Do_install_irq: entered, hCard=1
Table_add (irq): new handle 2
Do_install_irq: level 0xa, vector 0x0, affinity 0x0
Do_install_irq: success, hInterrupt 2
Do_card_lock: item 2, bar 4, io range 18e0-18ff
Do_card_lock: success, hCard=1
WDC_DriverOpen: user mode version - WinDriver v9.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2008 Build Date: Jul 3 2008 X86 32bit
New license options 0x0_0x40000000
WDC_PciScanDevices entered
Do_pci_scan: entered, search VID 8086, search DID 27da, options 0
Do_pci_scan: found 1 cards
PciScanDevices: PCI bus scanned successfully.
Found 1 matching cards (vendor ID 0x8086, device ID 0x27da)
Do_pci_card: entered 0.31.3
pci_get_supported_interrupt_types: Line based interrupts found
pci_read_resources: hdr type 0
Do_pci_card: found 2 items
Do_pci_card: entered 0.31.3
pci_get_supported_interrupt_types: Line based interrupts found
pci_read_resources: hdr type 0
Do_pci_card: found 2 items
Do_pci_scan: entered, search VID 0, search DID 0, options 0
Do_pci_scan: found 17 cards
Do_card_lock: entered
Do_card_lock: target bus [5] specified
Is_res_lockable: overlap with 1 (18e0, 20, 18e0, 20)
Do_card_lock: failed - item 3 already in use, type 0
WDC_PciDeviceOpen failed: Failed registering the device. Error 0x2000000e - Resource overlap