当利用 modelsim se 6.2b 运行 test文件 怎么对象框中没有信号列表?这样add wave 就会现No objects found matching '/test_counter/*'的错误 想知道是哪里出了问题
下面是test_counterd原代码 module test_counter; reg clk, rst; wire [7:0] count; counter #(5,10) dut (count,clk,rst); initial // Clock generator begin clk = 0; #10 forever #10 clk = !clk; end initial // Test stimulus begin rst = 0; #5 rst = 1; #4 rst = 0; #50000 $stop; end initial $monitor($stime,, rst,, clk,,, count); endmodule
下面是 counter.v的原代码 module counter (count, clk, reset); output [7:0] count; input clk, reset; reg [7:0] count; parameter tpd_clk_to_count = 1; parameter tpd_reset_to_count = 1;
function [7:0] increment; input [7:0] val; reg [3:0] i; reg carry; begin increment = val; carry = 1'b1; /* * Exit this loop when carry == zero, OR all bits processed */ for (i = 4'b0; ((carry == 4'b1) || (i <= 7)); i = i+ 4'b1) begin increment = val ^ carry; carry = val & carry; end end endfunction always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset) if (reset) count = #tpd_reset_to_count 8'h00; else count <= #tpd_clk_to_count increment(count); /* * To make module counter synthesizeable, use the following * alternate form of the always block: */ /*********************************************** always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset) if (reset) count <= 8'h00; else count <= count + 8'h01; ***********************************************/ endmodule